This evaluation looked at one corner of one authority's services for people with learning difficulties. North West Thames Regional Health Authority funded People First to do this evaluation in order to ask people's views about what services they were getting, what they wanted, and what was important to them. It ...
This report summarises the findings of a study into the future of undergraduate medical education . The aim of the study was to help establish a climate of opinion for change and to develop a consensus view of the future developments of undergraduate medical education. The study took the form ...
This publication is intended for senior managers and members of health and local authorities who are grappling with the challenges posed by the NHS and community care reforms to services for people with learning disabilities. Its subject is the ways in which public authorities can stimulate large scale change in ...
Against the background of profound change now affecting the British health and social care system this report examines economic aspects of the support of people (particularly adults) with severe learning difficulties in England, and their implications for future service development. It briefly outlines ideas and data relevant to: the evolution ...
This report presents an appreciation of the significance of Primary Care Development Fund supported schemes for the future of UK primary care generally, and offers a point of common entry into a vital area of national health debate to a range of audiences amongst NHS service providers, users and purchaser ...
Within the reformed NHS attention is rightly being given to developing the new role of DHAs and FHSAs. Improved health and health care will not be achieved without effective and influential purchasing authorities. This report focuses on the specific contribution that the Chief Executive makes to the achievement of this ...
Consensus conferences are an increasingly accepted means of synthesising available information and of producing a widely agreed view of the value of medical techniques and advances. In the United Kingdom the King's Fund initiated their use, and developed them beyond their original purely professional focus by holding meetings in public, ...
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority is required to produce a code of practice for the conduct of certain infertility services which will include guidance on the provision of counselling for couples considering or undergoing regulated treatments, for the children conceived through the use of these treatments and for gamete ...
These guidelines suggest how to produce literature for patients in hospitals which is clear, attractive and readable. The guidelines show what information might be included and how some of it might be written and laid out, but scope is left for managers to design and develop literature according to their ...
This report is based on a conference which aimed to make health services more user-friendly. The purpose of the conference was to learn from initiatives across the public sector and to learn about the practicalities as well as the politics of making public services more responsive to the people who ...
It is widely believed that homeless people place considerable demands on emergency hospital services, but quantifying this in a systematic way has proved difficult. The primary purpose of this paper is to develop a better empirical understanding of the nature and extent of unplanned admissions to acute hospitals in London ...
This publication is a practical workbook to help local and health authorities as they implement the NHS and Community Care Act. It lays the foundation on which they can build better practical support for carers in the new community care era. Developed in consultation with carers, service users and community ...
Medical technology, defined broadly to include drugs, procedures and equipment used singly or in combination, has been of enormous benefit in improving the quality of health care. It has, however, raised many issues about how society can afford to pay for these often expensive developments and about associated ethical problems ...
This report is an account of the Camberwell project, from 1985 to 1989. The project is based in a medical school department of general practice and is a team-based approach to the now widely used term 'facilitation' in primary care. This report explores the project's role and function, in particular ...
This report examines the history of the series of policy initiatives concerning the use of land and buildings in the NHS. It considers the political and managerial intentions which lay behind the 1983 Ceri Davies report, and charts the extent to which the series of proposals which it produced have ...
There is widespread acceptance of the need for health care professionals to obtain the views of service users but there is confusion over the best way of accomplishing this task. What is offered here is a practical guide to enable health care professionals to decide from whom they want to ...
Health care professionals face increasing pressure to obtain the views of service users and yet many are concerned that there may be some users, such as those suffering from mental distress, who are unable to provide useful or valid opinions about services received. This publication aims to reassure those who ...