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Service evaluation by people with learning difficulties : based on "The People First Report", an evaluation of services in the London Borough of Hillingdon March, 1990
1 of 68
Quality assurance in the USA : state of the art?
2 of 68
Critical thinking : the future of undergraduate medical education : a study by the King's Fund Centre in collaboration with St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College
3 of 68
Enabling community integration : the role of public authorities in promoting `an ordinary life' for people with learning disabilities in the 1990s
4 of 68
Economic aspects of care for individuals with learning disabilities
5 of 68
Developing primary care : opportunities for the 1990s
6 of 68
Making it happen : the role of the Authority Chief Executive
7 of 68
Criteria for change : the history and impact of consensus development conferences in the UK
8 of 68
The marketing of professional (pharmaceutical) service : a study of services to private nursing homes in U.S.A
9 of 68
Counselling for regulated infertility treatments : the report of the King's Fund Centre Counselling Committee
10 of 68
Noah's Ark Red Cross Foundation : an organization against HIV and A.I.D.S
11 of 68
Guide lines : better information literature for hospital patients
12 of 68
Who calls the shots? : public services and how they serve the people who use them
13 of 68
Homelessness and the utilisation of acute hospital services in London
14 of 68
Focus on carers : a practical guide to planning and delivering community care services
15 of 68
The diffusion of four prenatal screening tests across Europe; by Margaret Reid...[et al.], and based on country reports from all EC member states and Sweden and Factors affecting the diffusion of three kinds of innovative medical technology in European Community countries and Sweden ; by Barbara Stocking
16 of 68
A case study in developing primary care : the Camberwell Report ; commentary by Judith Allsop
17 of 68
Unfreezing the assets : NHS estate management in the 1990s
18 of 68
An introduction to obtaining the views of users of health services
19 of 68
Obtaining the views of users of mental health services
20 of 68
Obtaining the views of outpatients
21 of 68
Home and hospital care : redrawing the boundaries
22 of 68
The diffusion of two technologies for renal stone treatments across Europe; by Stefan Kirchberger...[et al.], and based on country reports from all EC member states and Sweden and Factors affecting the diffusion of three kinds of innovative medical technology in European Community countries and Sweden ; by Barbara Stocking
23 of 68
Home-bound : crisis in the care of young people with severe learning difficulties : a story of twenty families
24 of 68
Who shall live? who shall die? :Oregon's health financing proposals
25 of 68
All things come (to those who wait?) : causes and consequences of the community care delays
26 of 68
Purchasing with authority : the new role of DHAs
27 of 68
Purchasing together
28 of 68
Submission by the King's Fund to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health : [comprising] the impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts, and, the impact of the NHS reforms on London
29 of 68
Call for care
30 of 68
Tracking success : testing services for people with severe physical and sensory disabilities
31 of 68
The support you need : information for carers of Afro-Caribbean elderly people
32 of 68
Nursing into the 1990s
33 of 68
Is race on your agenda? : improving mental health services for people from black and minority groups
34 of 68
Quality in contracts : the current position (July 1991)
35 of 68
The diffusion of heart and liver transplantation across Europe; by Michael Bos...[et al.], and based on country reports from all EC member states and Sweden and Factors affecting the diffusion of three kinds of innovative medical technology in European Community countries and Sweden ; by Barbara Stocking
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Report of a working party on osteopathy
37 of 68
Moving on from steady-state : where next?
38 of 68
Financing family health service authorities : the allocation of their administrative resources
39 of 68
Implementing assessment and care management : learning from local experience 1990-1991
40 of 68
A question of race : the report of a conference on the future of mental health services for the black communities held at the City University, London on 19 and 20 September 1990
41 of 68
The nation's health : a strategy for the 1990s : a report from an Independent Multidisciplinary Committee
42 of 68
A conference on the future of undergraduate medical education [held on] 24 April 1991 : a discussion document
43 of 68
A chance to speak out : consulting service users and carers about community care
44 of 68
Supporting self-advocacy : a report of two conferences held in June and September 1989 at the King's Fund Centre
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Organisational audit : guidance for local steering groups
46 of 68
Nurse practitioners : working for change in primary health care nursing
47 of 68
Needs action : Buckinghamshire care assessment project : first interim report of the Community Care Assessment Project
48 of 68
Meeting the challenge : some UK perspectives on community services for people with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour
49 of 68
Making it happen : employment opportunities for people with severe learning difficulties : report of two conferences held at the King's Fund Centre, 19 February and 19 March 1991
50 of 68
London health 2010 : [report of a dinner and seminar held at the King's Fund College] 5th-16th October 1991
51 of 68
King's Fund annual report 1990 and King Edward's Hospital Fund for London annual report 1990
52 of 68
Information on non-survey methods
53 of 68
Implementing the NHS and Community Care Act : opportunities and pitfalls : policy seminar
54 of 68
Health and the movement of labour after 1992 : proceedings of a joint conference held by North West Thames Regional Health Authority and the King's Fund Centre for Health Services Development, 15 September 1989
55 of 68
Evaluating the challenge : a guide to evaluating services for people with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour
56 of 68
Total quality management in the NHS (September 1991)
57 of 68
Monitoring and evaluating the NHS reforms
58 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users with learning difficulties
59 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users of services provided by professions allied to medicine
60 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users of primary health care services
61 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users of community nursing services
62 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users of accident and emergency services
63 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of users about patient information
64 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of the elderly
65 of 68
Information on obtaining the views of children
66 of 68
Information on methodological issues
67 of 68
Information for purchasers about obtaining user views
68 of 68