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Working well together : guideposts for collaboration in inter-agency groups
1 of 60
King's Fund Health Interpreters Project : 1989 progress report
2 of 60
44 Lancaster Place : a story of resettlement
3 of 60
A.I.D.S. strategy in Northern Ireland : low prevalence, high cooperation : report of a Working Party
4 of 60
Better futures : creating positive change in services for people with severe and long-term psychiatric disabilities
5 of 60
Cancer of the colon and rectum : programme and abstracts [from the consensus conference held 18th - 20th June 1990 at Regent's Park College, London]
6 of 60
Cancer of the colon and rectum : the seventh King's Fund Forum consensus statement
7 of 60
Caring for the people : local strategies for achieving change in community services.
8 of 60
Enhancing the quality of community nursing
9 of 60
Ethnic minority health authority membership : a survey
10 of 60
King's Fund annual report 1989 and King Edward's Hospital Fund for London annual report 1989
11 of 60
King's Fund international seminar : what is health result?
12 of 60
Managing for health result : papers from a King's Fund International Seminar
13 of 60
Organisational audit (Accreditation UK) : standards for an acute hospital
14 of 60
Power to the people : the key to responsive services in health and social care
15 of 60
Primary care : a view from across the water
16 of 60
Promoting women's health : report of a conference : compiled and edited for the Department of Health by Dr. Pfeffer and Dr. Quick
17 of 60
Racial equality : hospital doctors selection procedures
18 of 60
Racial equality : the nursing profession
19 of 60
The future of acute services : doctors as managers
20 of 60
The new district health authorities : preparing for business
21 of 60
Changing primary care : the role of facilitators
22 of 60
Double discrimination : issues and services for people with learning difficulties from black and ethnic minority communities
23 of 60
User representation in the NHS and the future of community health councils
24 of 60
Inter-agency relationships in a national strategy for developing community care following the `Caring for People' White Paper : notes from a seminar at the King's Fund College, Thursday, 15 February 1990
25 of 60
New for old? : prospects for nursing in the 1990s
26 of 60
Assessment and case management : implications for the implementation of `Caring for People'
27 of 60
King's Fund international seminar 1990 : managing health care : the guidance-delivery tension
28 of 60
Aspects of current developments in health care in Finland
29 of 60
The quality question : a report on the first year of the Organisational Audit Project
30 of 60
The role of the general practitioner in caring for people in the last year of their lives
31 of 60
The natural history of a survey : an account of the methodological issues encountered in a study of life before death
32 of 60
Contracts and the black communities : what is it going to mean for us?
33 of 60
Decentralising community health care in Islington
34 of 60
A framework for action : developing services for people with severe physical and sensory disabilities
35 of 60
Keepers : inside stories from total institutions
36 of 60
The work of the Equal Opportunities Task Force 1986-1990 : a final report
37 of 60
Holding on while letting go
38 of 60
Health check : health care reforms in an international context
39 of 60
An economic perspective on hospitals : a paper to be presented at the King's Fund/Milbank Memorial Fund Meeting on The Future of the Acute Hospital 23-25 September 1990
40 of 60
Contracting for community care : strategies for progress
41 of 60
Medical audit in general practice : a practical guide to the literature
42 of 60
Dealing with death in hospital : procedures for managers and staff
43 of 60
Managing for quality in general practice
44 of 60
Professional bureaucracies markets and networks : managing beyond the market in public service
45 of 60
Value for caring : recognising unpaid carers
46 of 60
Assuring the quality of medical practice : an international comparative study
47 of 60
Fund strategy : [theme of Robert Maxwell's talk 10th April 1990]
48 of 60
Management and resource allocation in end-stage renal failure units : a review of current issues
49 of 60
The forgotten people : carers in three minority ethnic communities in Southwark
50 of 60
Cancer of the colon and rectum : a guide to the issues and controversies
51 of 60
The ENQUIRE system : a workbook on quality assurance in health and social care
52 of 60
Competition and health care : a comparative analysis of UK plans and US experience
53 of 60
A brave attempt : teamwork between health visitors and social workers on an inner city estate
54 of 60
An examination of estate management techniques in American hospitals : bibliography
55 of 60
An examination of estate management techniques in American hospitals : project report
56 of 60
An examination of estate management techniques in American hospitals : questionnaire
57 of 60
Medicines, the NHS and Europe : balancing the public's interest
58 of 60
Achieving strategic change in opportunities and services for people with learning difficulties : a principled agenda for the 1990s
59 of 60
GP budget holding in the UK : lessons from America
60 of 60