Written for managers of community health services, this book offers practical help on how to make services user friendly and more responsive to the needs of people who use them. Detailed case studies provide ideas for people 'getting started' as well as describing some common pitfalls. The particular problems associated ...
Decisions on education for health currently take place against a background of conflicting policy and practice. So to clarify some of the main issues, this review sets out to identify trends in policy and practice in Britain in recent years, to summarise the evidence on effectiveness on some of the ...
This the report of a one-day seminar, held on 28 November 1988 for those who use services for people with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or long-term health problems. The aim was to explore ways in which services could make links with each other, perhaps crossing the traditional boundaries between different ...
This publication, building on the Ordinary Life initiative, describes a project undertaken with 2 community services - one for adults and one for children. A P.A.S.S. evaluation of each service yielded detailed information on what life was really like for service users and pinpointed priority areas for further training and ...
Managers may not be covered by the codes of practice of doctors and nurses but they are having to consider the ethical framework within which they work. This book examines ethical issues in a practical manner. It covers a wide field of concern to managers with responsibilities they have to ...
This paper was partly derived from the proceedings of a conference on Acute Care at Home, held in the King's Fund Centre in June 1989. The report states that Hospital at Home (HAH) services should be made available throughout the country. It shows that many patients prefer the provision of ...
This working paper sets out some new thinking about the future role of district health authorities. It is intended to introduce into the wider discussion about the future of the NHS some specific ideas about the business of meeting health needs of the local population. As a set of proposals ...
Compiled with the advice and support of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Royal College of Physicians of London, and the Medical Defence Union, the objective of the booklet is to provide an explanation of audit and examples of work currently being undertaken, and to provide a guide ...
This discussion paper sets out to describe the way disability-related advertising is currently undertaken. It highlights major issues which arose during wide ranging discussions with advertising practitioners, charity advertisers and people with disabilities. It ends with a series of suggestions to the advertising industry, charities and the King's Fund regarding ...
This report summarises the literature on geographical variations in hospital admission rates in the UK and internationally. It is restricted to studies of inpatient admissions. It concludes that the examination of the variations provides invaluable insights into the nature and extent of medical uncertainty, and that this information is essential ...
Through the leadership of a local voluntary agency, a consortium of voluntary and public sector organisations has achieved rapid growth in decent quality housing and support services, and promoted complementary daytime opportunities. This report is a brief narrative account of Southwark Consortium and first three years.
This book is written for health and social services staff at all levels, including those involved in policy making and management. It sets out a clear framework for understanding carers' needs and describes practical ways to begin to meet them. Each chapter deals with one major need expressed by carers ...
This paper looks at the attitudes and behaviour in seeking health care of all the general medical practitioners in one family practitioner area - Avon. The results show that this group of doctors find difficulty in receiving help from other doctors, particularly for conditions to which doctors are most susceptible. ...
The DHSS funded three development workers to work in three differing health authorities to explore the possibilities for improving primary health care in the inner city by developing patch or locality management and planning of services work more closely together; and to establish three local experiments with different approaches to ...
This report presents a number of papers and workshop reports from a conference on family based respite care. The workshop reports discuss: the implications of the Children Bill for children in residential schools and local authority care; respite care and welfare rights; raising the profile of family based respite care; ...
This paper gives a framework for thinking about new sorts of training needs for community services in the field of mental health. It describes what a good community service should look like; it looks at what people need to learn about if they are to provide effective help to people ...
This is the story of a King's Fund project and of the attempts of Haringey health authority to improve the services it offers to its multi-racial community. Haringey approached the challenge by appointing an ethnic minorities development officer whose job it was to help develop an equal opportunities policy. The ...
This booklet arose out of the work of Brunel ARMS Research Unit at Brunel University. The booklet has been written after talking to many carers, showing the variety in people's experience. The aim of the booklet is to show that a lot of people share the same experiences and difficulties ...