This training manual has been written over many months by a group of people who brought with them a healthy scepticism of the concept of quality circles. It is offered as a model, no way suggesting a blueprint, but it contains many good ideas which may be adapted to any ...
This history begins with the foundation of the Lancet in 1823, and ends in 1982 with the restructuring of the National Health Service, when the management of hospitals in isolation from other health services had ceased. The opening chapters consider the endowed and voluntary hospitals, the poor law infirmaries and ...
This is the third paper by the authors on managing the relocation of psychiatric services from large institutions to new patterns of local provision. It offers a summary of their current thinking about the characteristics of an assessment and resettlement model which would be compatible with the wider planning issues ...
Recent changes in the administrative structure of the NHS seem to have been accompanied by a more marked degree of stress related behaviour. There has been specific concern about nurses and in 1983 the King's Fund awarded a grant to investigate the job-related problems of nurse managers at ward sister ...
This publication contains four papers presented at the one-day conference - Curriculum development for health studies: a professional foundation for nurse teachers; Towards a climate of creativity: a strategy of innovation in one school of nursing (Bart's); Supporting curriculum change in nursing: trials of an educational facilitator; 8 case studies ...
This meeting was called to bring together various professionals in the field, and to discuss good practice, the gaps and what might be done. The conference identified some of the ways in which improvement might be effected: 1) exchanging information on good and interesting practices which have been developed around ...
Between 1980 and the end of the century it is estimated there will be a 30 per cent increase in people suffering from dementia, but no equivalent budget growth to maintain current per capita levels of service provision. This project explores the limits of community or domiciliary care for dementia-sufferers, ...
This research project is the result of collaboration by the following organisations:- The King's Fund; London Boroughs Training Committee; London Voluntary Services Council; National Institute of Social Work; Age Concern Greater London. It was financed by the King's Fund. The limits of altruism explores the social and psychological processes which ...
The discussion in this paper is based on the findings of a study supported by the King's Fund and conducted under the auspices of the Royal College of Radiologists Working Party on the Effective Use of Diagnostic Radiology in which four strategies were evaluated for implementing guidelines on the use ...
National policies promoting a shift from institutional to more community based patterns of care for people with mental health problems, have not evolved in a single, coherent way, nor have they been implemented uniformly. In devising strategies appropriate to developing psychiatric services in the next decade, lessons should be learned ...
This report is the responsibility of a Steering Committee set up by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry and the Association of Psychiatrists in Training. The book explains how a future psychiatrist embarks on a professional education, and the pathway along which educational training ...
This report contains the findings of a survey of ex-national trainees who are not currently working in the NHS. A surprisingly large number of trainees left the Service before reaching senior positions. Not only did this represent a waste of the money and manpower which had gone into their training ...
Reuse of single use equipment raises many issues, including legal and ethical ones. This report is the proceedings of a King's Fund conference. The following topics are covered: 1. General perspectives of the various groups involved; 2. Clinical issues; 3. Legal and ethical implications; 4. Technical issues; 5. Economic issues; ...
The author documents the harm caused by secure institutions. Policy makers must accept that a search for other models of care is necessary, otherwise the institutions remaining will never be able to meet the diverse needs of their inhabitants. This book makes the case for 'flexible' institutions which would offer ...
Building community describes 30 different services, which between them, are offering family support, alternative homes for children and a variety of housing. They are working towards integration in ordinary local patterns of education, employment and leisure. They believe that everyone with a mental handicap has a right to a valued ...
The Advice and Legal Representation Project, set up in 1982, was the first legal and advice service for people with mental health problems to be based within a psychiatric hospital. The Project offers a free and independent service to hospital-based psychiatric patients. As it was a unique venture, the Project ...
This publication consists of the collated information of a survey undertaken in the autumn of 1985 by the Long Term and Community Care Team at the King's Fund Centre. All NHS district general managers in the UK were contacted, to find out about innovations in services for the elderly during ...
This book aims to provide an account of the range of work carried out by the Family Practitioner Committees, the bodies responsible, in England and Wales, for administering the contracts of general practitioners, dentists, opticians and pharmacists. This is the first comprehensive study of FPCs. It analyses the political environment ...
At whatever age general practitioners retire, whether early, late, or at what is regarded as the conventional time (65), this is likely to have substantial implications for manpower planning - in the UK for example in connection with the demand for and establishment of vocational training schemes. A study of ...
The papers that comprise this collection are the proceedings of a workshop organised by the Department of Mental Health, University of Bristol, in May 1986. The workshop aimed to explore issues and strategies for ensuring quality in community services for people with mental handicap. The papers are organised and presented ...
This conference, held on 13 and 14 February 1986 was organised by the GLC with assistance from the King's Fund. This volume is a collection of edited conference speeches, workshop summaries and an information section. Nine key areas are identified:- prevention; medical practice; non-medical NHS workers; complementary alternative medicines; self-help; ...
Increasing interest in the quality of health services and the appointment of officers with designated local responsibilities has generated an urgent demand for ideas on implementing quality assurance, especially from district officers. This collection is one individual's view of relevant literature and activity. It reflects the initial emphasis of the ...
This paper is addressed to a wide range of people concerned with the provision of care for people with learning difficulties their families. It is the result of research among parents whose adult sons and daughters with learning difficulties live at home, and explores their perspectives on the eventual move ...
This book is a contribution to managers' helping each other to learn. Most of the papers in the book are written by health service managers; they are not someone else's account of what those managers do or say they do, but the thoughts of the managers themselves on their own ...
The ways in which hospitals administer patients' money and provide residents with access to their income play a large part in controlling the amount of money a resident can use. Because so little attention has been paid to the financial position of residents in long-stay hospitals it is not know ...
This paper seeks to analyse how the role of district health authority members developed in the period around and after the 1982 reorganisation of the NHS, and it seeks to identify how the role of members can be strengthened within the existing framework of the NHS. Some ideas and principles ...
This paper aims to set out principles of good practice for services for people suffering from dementia. It is intended to be used by all those who are involved in operating, planning or monitoring services for these people. It begins by stating some key principles which should underlie the provision ...
In January 1980 the Conservative Government appointed a study group under Sir Donald Acheson to produce ambitious proposals for rapid and effective action on primary care in London. This report examines how and why the study group was established, the issues it confronted, the route by which it reached its ...
'Community Development in Health: Addressing the Confusions' was a one-day conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 13 June 1984, organised by the London Community Health Resource and the Community Health Initiatives Resource Unit, in collaboration with the King's Fund. This report is a collection of papers given during ...
This report is based on a workshop held at the King's Fund Centre on 3 July 1986 for managers of London's community health services. The purpose of the workshop was to examine the processes involved in developing objectives for information systems, and then in establishing these systems. Two case studies ...
The causes of diarrhoea and the way it is brought about are presented as a consecutive narrative in readable form. Readers without medical knowledge will understand how the condition comes about, recognise the circumstances which give rise to the danger and have some inkling as to the precautions needed to ...
A collection of five papers given at a conference held at the King's Fund Centre to celebrate the first ten years' publication of Journal for Advanced Nursing. The papers discuss the role of scholarship within the nursing profession in the following spheres: nursing education; nursing management; nursing practice. Other papers ...
This is the report of an independent committee, chaired by Lady Margaret McCarthy, which undertook the review at the invitation of the Hospital Caterers' Association and with the support of a grant from the King's Fund. The committee was asked to investigate and report on the perceived needs of patients ...
This is the first in an annual series of volumes on medical law and ethics based on lectures given at the Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, King's College London. The contributors, who came from a wide range of disciplines and represent diverse interests, review important issues in the forefront ...
This report reviews the activities of the King's Fund Centre and in particular the library and information services; education and training; long term care and community care; assessment and promotion of quality in care; and the London Programme. It also describes the activities of the other organisations operating within the ...
The Quality Assurance Project was set up at the end of 1984 to stimulate the assessment and promotion of quality in health care in Britain. This report presents the findings of a survey undertaken to identify what practical steps were being taken by individual professional organisations (colleges) and to make ...
This response to the Green Paper `Primary health care : an agenda for action' steers a middle course between `alternative' green papers and detailed comments on the few firm proposals. The structure of the response follows that of the six objectives outlined in the Green Paper: 1) raising standards of ...
The publication of "Primary health care: an agenda for discussion" was welcomed by the London Project Executive Committee of the King's Fund as an opportunity to contribute to the debate on the future of primary health care. In order to prepare a response which would contain practical recommendations for improving ...
Anyone who has cancer or is suspected of having cancer, needs information, comfort and support. The objective of this conference was to equip delegates to meet those needs. Communication with the patient was discussed, to enable the patient to understand and come to terms with the disease. Difficulties in communication ...
On 5 June 1986 a national conference was held at the King's Fund Centre to discuss the report of the community nursing review, Neighbourhood nursing: a focus for care. This report of the conference proceedings is not a direct narrative. The introduction describes the background to the review, the team's ...
This paper is a report from a seminar run by Michael Kendricks, director of the Safeguards Project, and Cathy Costanzo, Centre for Public Representation, while visiting this country from Western Massachusetts, USA. The seminar was held at the King's Fund Centre on 11 July 1986, and chaired by Dr. David ...
The second King's Fund Forum, was held between 1-3 October 1986. A panel of twelve listened to evidence from experts in public sessions. After closed sessions, the panel discussed its report with the audience and an agreed consensus statement was then presented at a press conference. The four questions addressed ...
The tour of North America on which this report is based gave health professionals from the UK an opportunity to study the ideas and practices of countries with different health care systems and an extensive experience of health promotion initiatives. The implications for this country contained in this book are ...
Family practitioner committees (FPCs) attained independent status on 1 April 1985, and became directly accountable to the Secretary of State. The Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) issued operational requirements, procedures and guidelines for 1985-86 in circular HC(FP)(85)10; this included the requirement to submit to the DHSS an annual ...