This resource list contains information on selected books, journal articles, films, tapes and exercises which may be useful in training staff or volunteers who are working with `confused', `mentally infirm' or `mentally ill' elderly people. It does not set out to provide a blue print for a programme of training ...
The Sheffield Development Project arose from the thinking behind the 1971 White Paper "Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped", which was a government effort to provide clear leadership and a long-term strategy for the development of services for people with learning difficulties. The Sheffield Development Project has been a major ...
Those who have been suffering from mental health problems present particularly difficult problems with re-integration into the community. This project paper examines a scheme for volunteer support for discharged psychiatric patients. With the help of a grant from Oxford R.H.A. a befriending scheme was set up and this report describes ...
The conference aimed to bring together practitioners in housing, social services and psychiatry; to explore the links and gaps, the successes and the failings; and to point out some signposts for future development of service to meet needs. In particular, the conference explored three themes: 1) the varying definitions of ...
This publication contains proposals formulated by members of two workshops held in March 1982 about the management arrangements required for collecting valid clinical data and providing a district information service.
In encouraging innovation and experimentation in health authorities the idea of a development agency for the N.H.S. has been explored under the aegis of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. This report examines the development agency model, setting out the case for an agency, presenting a range of critical appraisals ...
This study day arose from the D.H.S.S. study of the same name published in 1981 and was concerned with the policy implications of the D.H.S.S. document. An overview of the 'Respective Roles' study was given before discussing "models" of geriatric care with their advantages and disadvantages, and opportunities for mutual ...
This book is about taking the drabness and regimentation out of long-term hospital care. It is not so much about attitudes as about how, in hundreds of small, practical ways, behaviour can be changed to make hospitals more human. The book is a joint effort between staff of the King's ...
These two workshops had a common theme, that of admissions policies as they affect students with disabilities. Participants in the workshops were especially invited, all having a particular interest in college admissions policies. They were mainly college principals; special advisors for students with disabilities in colleges of further education, polytechnics ...
This recipe book is especially designed for people suffering from chronic renal failure with the need for dietary restrictions, whether this means protein only or also salt or potassium. All the recipes have been thoroughly tested by members of the Renal Group of the British Dietetic Association and analysed by ...
Epidemiology and policies for health planning is a guide to health planning according to need. It describes the health measures and sources of data available in England and sets out in detail the patterns of health and disease of different health care groups in the population, and what opportunities there ...
The nine people about whom this book is written all have severe disabilities yet they have rejected the idea that the only possibility for them is a place in a residential institution and have established homes of their own. The book challenges policy makers, architects and people working in statutory ...
This report contains the findings of a survey of chief officers on management teams in the NHS in England and Wales. The survey, carried out in 1981, was part of an initiative by the King's Fund to develop a management education programme for the most senior officers in health services ...
In the USA, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, (JCAH) has for many years been engaged in defining and promoting standards of good practice in health care. In 1981, a small multi-disciplinary team from the UK supported by a King's Fund grant visited the JCAH in Chicago and took ...
This seminar, organised by the Renal Society, began with young dialysis patients talking about their treatment and lifestyles. The report goes on to consider the achievement of independence by the adolescent and the advantages and disadvantages of treating adolescents in a children's unit. Further discussion includes job prospects, educational aspects ...
This discussion paper is about the provision of services for people with learning difficulties who may also be: blind or partially sighted; deaf or have partial hearing; physically disabled, epileptic, autistic, elderly, profoundly disabled or may show very disturbed behaviour at times. The paper deals with the philosophy or fundamental ...
This seminar, as part of the European W.F.M.H. programme examines relevant mental health issues by multi-international and multidisciplinary working groups. The report focuses on the working relationships of voluntary and statutory mental health services in Europe, within the broader context provided by the USA and Canada. The seminar covers the ...
This review of the King's Fund Centre for 1981 gives information about the chief areas of interest for the Centre: library & information services, long term care, community care, education and training developments and developments in health service planning activities. Information is also given about other organisations working from the ...