This publication contains details of hospital house journals, newsletters and bulletins at present known to the Hospital Centre. It is realised that this list may well be incomplete and the Hospital Centre will be glad to have details of any further publications that can be added, and any further information ...
A hospital-based social education project is taken to mean a scheme in which a group of school pupils regularly spend some time each week in a hospital or similar institution. Two groups are involved in the organisation and ultimate success or failure of such a scheme: the school staff and ...
Both the National Staff Committee and the National Nursing Staff Committee have drawn attention to the importance of the techniques of personnel selection and interviewing, and urge that members and officers of employing authorities should have some knowledge of them. The procedure was laid down in HM(67)2 and HM(67)71 but ...
The main study was carried out in 18 smaller hospitals in West Cornwall without pharmacists. The objectives were: introduction of an improved design of prescription sheets for acute and long-stay hospitals; production of a procedural booklet on the prescribing, administration and distribution of drugs for medical, nursing and pharmaceutical staff; ...
This report looks at the benefits of introducing a washing machine into a hospital kitchen. Pots and pans were cleaner with a lower bacteria count, so the benefits derived were considered well worth the expense involved.