This briefing examines the recent history of the quality and safety, financial and economic regulation of health care providers in England. It describes the new regulatory machinery that is being introduced and considers how the relationship between these different regulatory systems may develop in the future. [Introduction]
This briefing note is based on a review of the research literature and a series of meetings with key stakeholders in older people's health and social care provision. While there are many examples of excellent care for older people in the UK, the review has revealed evidence of unfair age ...
This guide sets auditing age discrimination in health and social care in the context of recent policy developments. Part One considers different forms of age discrimination, both direct and indirect. It is assumed that effective audits of age discrimination must extend beyond a formal audit of policies and must include ...
This is a piece of independent research conducted by the authors at the King's Fund based on a Pfizer initiative. and Extending patient choice is central to the government's reform of the NHS. Patients will be offered a choice of hospitals for planned operations from December 2005 and will soon be offered choice in other areas of health care. This paper presents the key findings from ten focus groups held to ...
Investment in the NHS has increased significantly under the Blair government. Spending will soon reach the EU average, but when we catch up with our European neighbours, what then? Assuming that pressures to spend more will continue, but that marginal health returns on extra investment are likely to diminish, this ...
This report shows that managers in NHS and social care organisations struggle to prevent discrimination on the grounds of age. Based on a telephone survey of 75 senior managers in hospitals, primary care groups, community trusts and social services departments, it shows that while the majority support moves to combat ...