Close regulation of the pharmaceutical industry has been seen as essential for the protection of the public for most of the last century. Yet the interest of government and the public in the low-cost provision of medicines can often conflict with the existence of a strong, profitable and innovative pharmaceutical ...
The 1997 white paper 'The New NHS: modern, dependable' promised to put quality at the heart of the health service, announcing the formation of a National Institute of Clinical Excellence, a Commission for Health Improvement, evidence based National Service Frameworks, a new system of clinical governance in NHS trusts and ...
Against the background of profound change now affecting the British health and social care system this report examines economic aspects of the support of people (particularly adults) with severe learning difficulties in England, and their implications for future service development. It briefly outlines ideas and data relevant to: the evolution ...
This report presents an appreciation of the significance of Primary Care Development Fund supported schemes for the future of UK primary care generally, and offers a point of common entry into a vital area of national health debate to a range of audiences amongst NHS service providers, users and purchaser ...
The report examines the likely impact of the indicative drug budgets for family doctors and the government's general practice fund holding initiative in Britain. The authors believe that the new arrangements will sharpen price competition in the UK medicines market, and welcome this. The study also reports on recent European ...
This paper was partly derived from the proceedings of a conference on Acute Care at Home, held in the King's Fund Centre in June 1989. The report states that Hospital at Home (HAH) services should be made available throughout the country. It shows that many patients prefer the provision of ...