Community-oriented primary care (COPC) is an approach to health care which combines the principles and skills of public health and family practice. It offers participants an action-oriented framework for working together on health needs at practice level. In 1992, the King's Fund, in association with other organisations, initiated a pilot ...
This guide explores the benefits of introducing community development health programmes. Using a community-oriented primary care approach (COPC), the guide explains how to use resources more effectively, set health goals and health programmes linked to local needs, identify those who most need health care, and support people's desire to take ...
This guide has been written for members of primary health care teams (PHCTs) where the team has decided to run a community -oriented primary care (COPC) programme on depression or anxiety. It is designed to assist at the two stages of detailed problem assessment and intervention planning. As a result ...
This publication gives an account of a project co-funded by the NHS Executive and the King's Fund. It was devised as a response to the crisis in GP morale which began to be recognised in 1994. A participative workshop, 'A Day in the Life of a GP 2010' was designed, ...
This workshop explored the approaches developed by five NHS general practices who are learning from their patients and communities to develop resources which provide new health creating options. Human considerations are kept to the fore, teamwork and an active partnership with patients are encouraged and a wide range of integrated ...