In encouraging innovation and experimentation in health authorities the idea of a development agency for the N.H.S. has been explored under the aegis of the Royal Institute of Public Administration. This report examines the development agency model, setting out the case for an agency, presenting a range of critical appraisals ...
The Routes project was commissioned by The King’s Fund in partnership with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Social Care Institute for Excellence, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and the Local Government Association. and The health and social care system is currently tackling three inter-related challenges: coping with rising demand and reduced funding; handling NHS restructuring; and transforming social care. How can these challenges be seen as an opportunity to achieve fundamental change to the system? The Routes project, a simulation exercise created by ...
The NHS has undergone many reforms over the past decade. To test out where the reforms - and interactions between them - might lead the NHS, the King's Fund formed a partnership with Loop2, Monitor and Nuffield Hospitals to produce Windmill 2007. This initiative included a two-day simulation of a ...
It is clear that the era of unprecedented investment in health care is over, and prospects for future funding now look bleak. But just how the NHS will respond to this is uncertain. To test how those in the system might respond, we used a behavioural simulation - Windmill 2009, ...
Government health policy has been encouraging a shift in the balance of care from hospital to community settings. The Department of Health commissioned The King's Fund, in partnership with Loop2, to undertake a simulation-based project entitled SeeSaw to understand how this shift in care could be achieved. This report outlines ...