The NHS workforce is the primary driver of future health costs. Given the substantial changes in population demographics and health care needs, the workforce needs to be fit for purpose. That means responding to immediate needs and financial pressures while adapting to deliver the future care models outlined in the ...
This report is accompanied by 'A day in the life of a GP'. This typical day in the life of a GP draws on the experiences of several GPs working in different practices who we spoke to as part of the research for this report. It has been reviewed by ... and Increasing demands on general practice over the past five years - not just a heavier workload but the increasing complexity and intensity of work - have led to a feeling of crisis. The NHS is finding it difficult to recruit and retain sufficient GPs who want to do full-time, patient-facing ...
Our health is determined by a complex mix of factors including income, housing and employment status, and lifestyle. There are significant inequalities in health, including life expectancy, between individuals and groups in society. So what creates those inequalities and what are the implications? This report revisits and updates some of ...
This report looks back at past trends in NHS productivity to help us to understand how this has been done in the past and also identifies a number of opportunities for the future. The authors consider three areas - generic prescribing, length of stay and day case surgery – in ...
New technology is promising to transform a health and social care sector that is increasingly struggling with the need to do more with less funding. Many providers and commissioners are looking for opportunities to use technology to improve services and cope better with the long-term demographic pressures that the system ...