This summary draws on 'Working for Health : the NHS as an employer and its role in regeneration' published in February 2001, and a public seminar, 'New routes to health through employment' held on 7 February 2001, organised by the King's Fund and the London Regeneration Network.
This report explores the multidisciplinary contribution to developing public health in the NHS. It reports on a research project commissioned by the NHS Executive and undertaken by the King's Fund in 1996. The project comprised a one-day workshop of 32 invited experts in the public health field to identify key ...
This newsletter reports on a project undertaken by the King's Fund and commissioned by the NHS Executive in 1996. The project explored the multidisciplinary contribution to developing public health in the NHS, mainly in health authorities.
There are significant recruitment and retention problems in nursing in the NHS. Nurses are leaving the NHS at a faster rate than they are being recruited. A review of the existing literature and research undertaken over the last 15 years has highlighted a number of apparently consistent themes in barriers ...