This report explores the multidisciplinary contribution to developing public health in the NHS. It reports on a research project commissioned by the NHS Executive and undertaken by the King's Fund in 1996. The project comprised a one-day workshop of 32 invited experts in the public health field to identify key ...
This report presents some of the main themes that emerged from a series of workshops on various aspects of primary care organised and hosted by the King's Fund in the summer and autumn of 1996. The topics covered in the workshops were change in primary health care, frail elderly people, ...
This newsletter reports on a project undertaken by the King's Fund and commissioned by the NHS Executive in 1996. The project explored the multidisciplinary contribution to developing public health in the NHS, mainly in health authorities.
This report looks at how the Patients' Charter has worked in the past and and what patients and NHS staff would like to see covered in a future health charter. It is based on research commissioned by the NHS Executive and the King's Fund to help the Labour government review ...
This bulletin is based on ideas developed from two seminars for professions allied to medicine (PAMs) organised by the King's Fund in order to discuss their actual and potential contribution to public health. This bulletin covers the subject areas of what PAMs do in relation to public health, health promotion, ...
In September and October 1997, the King's Fund held two seminars for the professions allied to medicine (PAMs) in order to discuss their actual and potential contribution to public health. This contribution is varied and spans the categories of input to commissioning, health promotion, clinical effectiveness and evidence-based practice, and ...
This paper examines what is known about linkworkers, using information derived from a review of the literature and from interviews with those working in the field. It discusses how linkworkers might make a contribution to primary care in the future, and considers some of the organisational issues that will need ...
This booklet is a brief guide for general practitioners (GPs) and colleagues in the primary health care team who have patients who are refugees or asylum seekers, and wish to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to deliver an appropriate service to those patients. It provides information on ...
This is a background paper prepared for a symposium held at the King's Fund. Its aims were to: consider the significance of recent and current research on the role of primary care teams in promoting public health; identify the areas where further research is needed; share and consider the experiences ...
This guide, produced jointly for the King's Fund and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, gives advice on the physical, psychological and cultural needs of refugee children in the UK, and explains their rights and entitlements under law here. The role and addresses of relevant non-governmental organisations are ...
The fundamental questions about the role of primary care in public health are: how can primary care develop its input into public health while also remaining focused on meeting the health care needs of individual patients and their families, and, how can GPs and others in the primary health care ...
This summary draws on 'Working for Health : the NHS as an employer and its role in regeneration' published in February 2001, and a public seminar, 'New routes to health through employment' held on 7 February 2001, organised by the King's Fund and the London Regeneration Network.
This report was commissioned to review the use of the King's Fund buildings and its universal services in terms of benefit to a variety of stakeholders, including staff, in relation to the achievement of the King's Fund corporate strategy and against cost. Universal services were defined as the King's Fund ...
In 2002, the King's Fund commissioned a major inquiry into the state of the capital's mental health and mental health services and how far they meet the needs of service users. The inquiry set out to: investigate whether mental health care had improved in the capital since the King's Fund ...