This menu book is designed to help those who are responsible for planning menus in convalescent homes. It consists of 52 ruled pages, one for each week of the year, on which menus may be planned and recorded. In the introduction there are one or two suggestions for planning menus, ...
This pamphlet details and illustrates the fully equipped radium room at the Royal Marsden Hospital which was funded by the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London.
This book provides the results of a confidential enquiry into perioperative deaths conducted with the collaboration of both the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Association of Anaesthetists. The overall findings are reassuring, although several less than satisfactory practices are revealed. The conduct and outcome of ...
The second King's Fund Forum, was held between 1-3 October 1986. A panel of twelve listened to evidence from experts in public sessions. After closed sessions, the panel discussed its report with the audience and an agreed consensus statement was then presented at a press conference. The four questions addressed ...
The fourth King's Fund Forum was held in London from 30 November to 2 December 1987. A panel of twelve listened to evidence from experts in public sessions. After closed sessions the panel discussed the report with the audience; the agreed consensus statement was then presented at a press conference. ...
The sixth King's Fund Forum was held in London from 26 to 28 June. Five questions were addressed; what is the relationship between dietary fats, blood cholesterol and the levels of coronary heart disease; what individual or community-wide dietary or other interventions can reduce blood cholesterol levels and the risk ...
The Health Advisory Service has been operating for almost 20 years. This is the first detailed study of its effectiveness. The authors describe how the Health Advisory Service works and reflect upon what they saw and heard in their investigation. They considered three questions - how well does the Health ...
The first UK consensus development conference, on coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), was held between 21-23 November 1984. A panel of twelve listened to evidence from experts and from the conference participants. Four questions were addressed: 1) What are the pros and cons of CABG for various types of patient, ...
This book is described as being a 'reflective tour of where the NHS is coming from, the world it is likely to face in the 1990s, and some ways in which we could strengthen it'. It covers demography, social and environmental stress, medical developments, public expenditure constraints, and likely themes ...
This report describes a visit made by staff of the Charing Cross Hospital to a number of recently built hospitals in Europe in May 1947. The visit was financed by a grant from the King's Fund. The purpose of the visit was to study methods of hospital design and planning. ...
This document divides into three distinct sections. The first considers improvements in the Statistical Returns prepared by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London in order to facilitate a truer comparison between the expenditure of different hospitals. The second part presents tables which should be used for statistical returns, including the ...
This document divides into three distinct sections. The first considers improvements in the statistical returns prepared by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London in order to facilitate a truer comparison between the expenditure of different hospitals. The second part presents tables which should be used for statistical returns, including the ...
This document follows the results of an enquiry to consider and report generally as to the circumstances and conditions under which patients are admitted to casualty and outpatient departments of the London Voluntary Hospitals. It looks especially at what precautions are taken to prevent the admission of people who are ...
The terms of reference for the enquiry were : "to enquire and report as to the existing provision for pensions to officers and staff employed in the London Voluntary Hospitals and as to what alteration or extension (if any) of the existing arrangements is desirable and practicable, and generally to ...
On March 24, 1923, the Voluntary Hospitals Commission wrote to the King's Fund, referring to a question and answer given in the House of Commons on Wednesday, March 21, on the subject of hospital accommodation for accident cases, and asking that the King's Fund, as the Voluntary Hospitals Committee for ...
The management committee of the King's Fund produced these notes in consultation with the Chief Officer of the London Fire Brigade to be of service to Hospital Committees when considering the question of fire precautions.
The General Council of the King's Fund passed a resolution in 1926, making provision for the distribution of funds to hospitals in support of their contributory pension schemes.
The memorandum discusses methods by which individual hospitals may prepare records of quantities of items consumed (for example gas, soap, food), and may use them for the purpose of securing the co-operation of the various departments of the hospitals in strengthening the control of expenditure.
This index provides a list of those items purchased in a hospital, and arranges them under main headings and sub-headings so that expenditure may be accounted for correctly in the uniform system of accounts. For example lamp oil comes under the main heading `domestic' and the sub-heading `fuel and lighting'.
The Revised Uniform System of Hospital Accounts is a standardised form of account which has to be adopted by all hospitals applying for grants from King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund and the Hospital Saturday Fund. The form of accounts described in this document is ...
This report looked into the causes giving rise to unoccupied beds in a particular group of hospitals. The results of the survey are included in three sections to the report: beds temporarily closed; beds vacant between the discharge and admission of patients; analysis showing the relative incidence of vacancy in ...
The Committee was appointed to enquire into and report upon methods in use in London Voluntary Hospitals regarding the attendance of patients in outpatient and casualty departments, and the effect of those methods upon the suitability of the patients treated and on the length of time during which patients wait ...
This pamphlet is a photocopy of the programme for the `Miniature Hospital' exhibition which was mounted as a result of a suggestion which had been made in the Autumn of 1929 to the Propaganda Committee of the Fund that a scale model of a modern hospital, complete as far as ...
This pamphlet is a photocopy of the programme for the `Miniature Hospital' exhibition which was mounted as a result of a suggestion which had been made in the Autumn of 1929 to the Propaganda Committee of the Fund that a scale model of a modern hospital, complete as far as ...
By describing advances in medical science, this booklet explains why hospitals in 1934 cost so much more to run than they previously did. An appeal for further subscriptions to King Edward's Hospital Fund is made.
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
This Bill was promoted by the King's Fund in co-operation with the British Hospitals Association to enable hospitals to obtain from the Charity Commissioners legal power to carry out schemes for providing pay beds , by means of funds specially received or collected for the purpose, where they do not ...
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
The object of this time-table is to provide information which will help to prevent the waiting, with possible resulting hardship, which occurs when patients attend hospital out-patient departments at the wrong hour or even the wrong day.
The Workmen's Compensation Acts in this country do not make any provision for the expenses of medical or surgical treatment. The injured workman receives only part of his previous wage and cannot himself contribute to those expenses. As the National Health Insurance Acts provide only for the services of general ...
The King's Fund was asked by the Voluntary Hospitals Committee for London to consider the need for further provision for the middle classes for insurance against hospital expenses and the associated specialist fees. The Committee needed to formulate a scheme which, while meeting the needs of the middle class for ...
Recommendations by the Medical Subcommittee to the Joint Committee about the functions and methods of staffing the teaching hospitals and special hospitals are printed in this pamphlet.
This report makes a number of recommendations about the way in which hospital services are organised. These include the pattern of hospital services in areas or `regions'; and the establishment of a central body to be concerned with civilian medical and ancillary health services of the country.
This memorandum makes recommendations to ensure a good standard of health among nurses. The main recommendations are: that a doctor be appointed specifically for the nursing staff; that hospitals should require a medical certificate before candidates are accepted for training, and that a medical examination is carried out shortly after ...
In 1943 the Fund published a memorandum on hospital diet. It aroused wide interest not only in hospital circles but elsewhere. The demand for copies and the large volume of correspondence that the memorandum produced gave clear indications that the subject was causing many people considerable anxiety. The need for ...
This report considers the working requirements of nurses, for example, ward layout, domestic staff support and nurse 'pools'. It concludes that if nursing is seen as an over-worked and under-staffed profession, then it will be difficult to recruit new staff. To counter this various suggestions for improving standards of care ...
This is a report from the Fund's Committee on Hospital Diet, who carried on the work of the original sub-committee who had produced the original memorandum on hospital diet. It is clear from the information gained by the Committee that, in many hospitals, those responsible for feeding the patients and ...
In 1941, King Edward's Hospital Fund for London and the Voluntary Hospitals Committee for London established a Joint Committee to consider post-war problems of the hospitals of London with a view to maintaining and improving the standard of services which they render to patients. This is the report produced by ...
The aim of this brief account is not to record the history of the King's Fund, which can be found elsewhere, but rather to map out its present field of action, for the enlightenment of all interested in the well-being of the hospitals, and to indicate very broadly its scope ...
This memorandum makes suggestions for hospitals about the steps which could be taken to prevent fires. These include heating, lighting and power; rubbish and litter; access to fire fighting purposes; fire exits marked clearly and not obstructed; hand appliances; fire drills and instruction.
This document presents recommendations for the employment of domestic staff in hospitals as it had been noted that although a considerable advance had been made in the provision of suitable accommodation and amenities for hospital domestic staff, there was still a grave shortage of labour which was aggravated by a ...
This report provides a critical response to the Report of the Working Party on the Recruitment and Training of Nurses which was submitted to the Minister of Health. It points out that in reaching their conclusions, the Working Party appear to have achieved a high degree of detachment from the ...
This document considers the setting up of preliminary training schools (that is, schools of nursing) for student nurses, so that the newly-arrived candidate for training does not work on a ward without hospital training. The document suggests that although groups may be formed and schools established and maintained without any ...
The objective of this Memorandum, is to help those in charge of convalescent homes to provide the 'good food' which is one of the most important contributory factors towards recovery , but one which is often forgotten by those responsible for patients.
This report was prepared by the officers who took part in a short course run by the Fund to look at hospital admissions and records. Eight hospitals were visited by the course members, who give their observations on appointments systems, casualty, out-patients, waiting lists, emergency beds, in-patients, registration, methods of ...
This document, presented in tabular form, is a summary of the published accounts of London hospitals and serves to provide each hospital with the figures of other hospitals as an aid to financial control.
Having received many requests for copies of the Visitors' Report Forms used by the Fund, this booklet attempts to bring this material together in one publication. Attention is given to matters which can be discussed in a relatively short hospital visit. Most of the questions apply to the great majority ...
This memorandum makes recommendations to ensure a good standard of health among nurses. The main recommendations are: that a doctor be appointed specifically for the nursing staff; that hospitals should require a medical certificate before candidates are accepted for training, and that a medical examination is carried out shortly after ...
This book describes a visit to a number of hospitals and other institutions in the Eastern States of America by a delegation from Charing Cross Hospital. The delegation held the view that the management of health is a problem which should know no national boundaries and which must be a ...
This report, which looks at the training of hospital administrators makes a number of recommendations, including the following : that a two year course at graduate level be established for new entrants to the profession of hospital administration; that lecturers and demonstrators be appointed to teach in the college and ...
One recommendation from a report on hospital catering was that catering in hospitals should be treated as the function of a separate department, under the charge of a qualified and experienced caterer, with competent staff. The Fund decided to establish the School of Hospital Catering. Initially this would provide refresher ...