A number of hospitals now send information booklets or leaflets to their patients before they are admitted to the wards, and early in 1962 the King's Fund decided to conduct a survey to find out the extent to which such patients' booklets are in fact being issued by hospitals and ...
This research project is the result of collaboration by the following organisations:- The King's Fund; London Boroughs Training Committee; London Voluntary Services Council; National Institute of Social Work; Age Concern Greater London. It was financed by the King's Fund. The limits of altruism explores the social and psychological processes which ...
This publication contains proposals formulated by members of two workshops held in March 1982 about the management arrangements required for collecting valid clinical data and providing a district information service.
The aim of this project was to discover whether the needs of people whose relatives die in hospital are being met within that setting. Surveys were undertaken to gain the views of both sides, by seeking both the experiences of bereaved relatives, and by ascertaining the procedures and practices of ...
This report attempts to correlate therapeutic principles of the treatment of alcoholism with the planning and design of new facilities. Two existing treatment facilities are looked at in depth, Warlingham Park Hospital, Surrey and Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Scotland.
This is the fourth paper published by the King's Fund and NAHA on the need to change the way in which pay is determined in the NHS. This paper outlines a proposed structure for determining pay, based on principles described in the earlier documents. The system has three elements: a ...
The project was undertaken with the intention of clarifying and updating the original concept of the community hospital. In defining what community hospitals are, emphasis has been placed on their philosophy and on ensuring that their role is clearly understood.
This is the first in the annual series of volumes on medical law and ethics based on lectures given at King's College London. The contributors, who came from a wide a range of disciplines and represent diverse interests, review important issues in the forefront of recent controversy, relating particularly to ...
Arthur Andersen and Co. Management Consultants has been involved with a number of research projects designed to measure value for money in health and local authority services. This booklet describes the components which they believe make up a successful joint planning exercise. Its purpose is to present some lessons and ...