This is a report on a competition held in 1993 by the King's Fund to find excellent examples of large hospital developments which were opened in Britain between 1980 and 1990. The aims for both National Health Service and independent sector hospitals were: to offer a high quality of life ...
The second edition of 'The Nation's Health' is an extensively revised and updated assessment of trends in health status and public health policy and practice over the last decade. Its wide-ranging scientific analysis forms the basis for developing 17 health priorities and a clearly defined strategy for improving health over ...
The report attempts to review the main issues surrounding the funding and management of units providing dialysis services to people suffering from end-stage renal failure in the UK for the benefit of health service managers, renal physicians and other staff. The objective is to review the experience and information currently ...
This report summarises the literature on geographical variations in hospital admission rates in the UK and internationally. It is restricted to studies of inpatient admissions. It concludes that the examination of the variations provides invaluable insights into the nature and extent of medical uncertainty, and that this information is essential ...
In 1988 the King's Fund covered a multi-disciplinary panel to consider the following questions and to prepare a statement for discussion at a consensus conference: is there scientific evidence that ICUs cause a decrease in morbidity and mortality; what criteria should be set for admission and discharge to intensive care ...
This publication reviews the progress in public health over the last decade. It seeks to interpret trends in health and to identify measures likely to be effective in promoting the public health. It outlines a national strategy for the next decade, identifying the public responsibilities of government and of the ...
Although the development of community care has been national policy in Britain for at least thirty years, it means something quite different in England, Scotland and Wales. This book offers a comparative study both of the central government departments responsible for making and implementing policy for community care, and of ...
Papers from a King's Fund international seminar. The contributors work in the health services in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States. The book deals with three important aspects of working with people in the context of health service administration. The first is that of trying to ...
This study compares the American experience of both nurse practitioners and physician's assistant with that of Britain. The study traces their professional development alongside that of traditional medicine and nursing and reviews the literature and relevant legislation. The author describes his observations of the work and training of the different ...
This book is a collection of papers given at a conference which examined what the role of senior administrators in the health field should be. The following four questions were addressed by the speakers. Does the senior health administrator have a role as either innovator or catalyst in 1) the ...
The International Seminar of Nurses held at the King's Fund College in July 1976 was the third in the series. The question of leadership and the emergence of leaders is of paramount importance to the nursing profession in the three countries represented, Canada, United Kingdom and United States of America. ...
This book consists of a series of papers on various aspects of day hospitals for elderly people in Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1970. The author stresses that the reason for and the primary role of the day hospital are therapeutic and the major reasons for their use are ...
This second conference was presented with very definite and deliberately chosen terms of reference to form the basis of the papers and discussions. These were: 1) in the changing context of hospital administration what are the most important problems of today?; 2) how are these problems being dealt with and ...
This report, which looks at the training of hospital administrators makes a number of recommendations, including the following : that a two year course at graduate level be established for new entrants to the profession of hospital administration; that lecturers and demonstrators be appointed to teach in the college and ...
This book describes a visit to a number of hospitals and other institutions in the Eastern States of America by a delegation from Charing Cross Hospital. The delegation held the view that the management of health is a problem which should know no national boundaries and which must be a ...