This report is the first result of a study concerned with the organisation and effectiveness of industrial therapy in psychiatric hospitals. It reflects the significant changes in the traditional views first, of the psychiatric patient and his relation to the community, and second, of the hospital itself as a social ...
This document is a sequel to the `King's Fund Survey of Industrial Therapy in Psychiatric Hospitals'. It supplements the previous report by describing some of the characteristics of patients attending the industrial units. This information was obtained from a census of those at work in the units during one week ...
To win back the power of speech after a stroke demands bravery, determination and persistence, backed by the patience and understanding of family and friends. Written from personal experience, the book takes the form of an exercise book for daily practice and is well-adapted for the patient to read himself. ...
The fifth King's Fund Forum was held in London on 27-29 June 1988. Five questions were addressed: 1) What are the responsibilities of service providers for patients and their carers? ; 2) For presumed stroke sufferers what has been shown to be of diagnostic value? ; 3a) What treatments have ...