These guidelines suggest how to produce literature for patients in hospitals which is clear, attractive and readable. The guidelines show what information might be included and how some of it might be written and laid out, but scope is left for managers to design and develop literature according to their ...
This booklet aims to give the hospital caterer a simple nutritional guide to menu planning and to show modifications necessary for the usual therapeutic diets.
Papers from a King's Fund international seminar. The contributors work in the health services in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States. The book deals with three important aspects of working with people in the context of health service administration. The first is that of trying to ...
This is the report of an independent committee, chaired by Lady Margaret McCarthy, which undertook the review at the invitation of the Hospital Caterers' Association and with the support of a grant from the King's Fund. The committee was asked to investigate and report on the perceived needs of patients ...
The attitude a nurse has towards a patient is one of the most important factors influencing the standard of care patients receive. But a nurse's attitudes to patients are influenced by the attitudes of senior and junior staff. Attitudes between staff and attitudes of staff to patients are, in reality, ...
The attitudes that nurses adopt towards patients can be created by a number of different pressures, and they can effect the type of care patients receive. The King's Fund undertook an attitude project and then discussed the possibility of finding out what nurses' attitudes were through a series of discussion ...
This document is a sequel to the `King's Fund Survey of Industrial Therapy in Psychiatric Hospitals'. It supplements the previous report by describing some of the characteristics of patients attending the industrial units. This information was obtained from a census of those at work in the units during one week ...
Early in 1961 the King's Fund decided to undertake an enquiry into the subject of films for use in hospitals. The purpose of the enquiry was to find out the extent to which films are being used: (a) for the entertainment or instruction of patients in hospital, and whether there ...
Hospital and community health services in nearly every large town in Britain are now caring for Asian patients from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and East Africa. Since the British health services have developed to fit the needs of British patients, many health workers find it difficult to understand and to cater ...
This report is the first result of a study concerned with the organisation and effectiveness of industrial therapy in psychiatric hospitals. It reflects the significant changes in the traditional views first, of the psychiatric patient and his relation to the community, and second, of the hospital itself as a social ...
The purpose of this report is to attempt to define the work of the hospital chaplain which may be regarded as falling into two groups: ministry to patients; ministry to hospital staff.
A number of hospitals now send information booklets or leaflets to their patients before they are admitted to the wards, and early in 1962 the King's Fund decided to conduct a survey to find out the extent to which such patients' booklets are in fact being issued by hospitals and ...