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King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
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The development of the London Hospital System, 1823-1982
1 of 50
Art in hospitals : a guide
2 of 50
Ambulance cases disposal committee : report of a special committee of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London with appendices
3 of 50
The King's Fund working party on paediatric surgery in the Greater London portion of the Thames regions
4 of 50
Report of the committee appointed to inquire into out-patient methods at London voluntary hospitals as affecting suitability of patients and time of waiting
5 of 50
Industrial relations in hospitals : a checklist
6 of 50
The Jubilee Project : a report on a King's Fund project to commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee by upgrading wards in ten of London's older hospitals
7 of 50
Meals for the elderly : a report on meals on wheels and luncheon clubs in two North London boroughs
8 of 50
Primary health care in the inner cities after Acheson
9 of 50
Outline of a proposed provident scheme for London
10 of 50
Pensions for hospital officers and staffs : report of a sub-committee of the executive committee
11 of 50
Planned health services for inner London : back to back planning : report on the regional plans for Inner London's health authorities
12 of 50
Red warning : the report of the King's Fund Working Party set up to study the 1967/8 influenza epidemic and its effect on London hospitals and to make recommendations for the future
13 of 50
Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the financial relations between hospitals and medical schools in London
14 of 50
Report of the sub-committee on mental and mental deficiency hospitals in the London area
15 of 50
Revised uniform system of hospital accounts
16 of 50
Some aspects of the post-war hospital problems in London and the Home Counties
17 of 50
[Statistical reports on the income and expenditure for London hospitals for the years 1927-1931]
18 of 50
[Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of London hospitals for the years 1937-1941]
19 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred and fifty nine London hospitals for the year 1947
20 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of ninety convalescent homes, homes for incurables and other institutions, and homes for the aged sick: for their respective financial years ending in 1959 or 1960
21 of 50
The uniform system of hospital accounts
22 of 50
The uniform system of hospital accounts as revised and adopted by King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund [and] the Hospital Saturday Fund
23 of 50
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 1903-1907] : first series
24 of 50
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 1913-1920]
25 of 50
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 1908-1912]
26 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred independent convalescent homes, homes for incurables and other institutions, homes for the aged sick and hospitals for their respective financial years ending in 1961 or 1962
27 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of seventy-six convalescent homes for their respective financial years ending in 1955 or 1956
28 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of seventy-five independent convalescent homes, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1971 or 1972
29 of 50
[Statistical reports on the ordinary expenditure of London hospitals for the years 1921-1926]
30 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred and one independent convalescent homes, homes for incurables and other institutions, homes for the aged sick and hospitals for their respective financial years ending in 1960 or 1961
31 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of one hundred independent convalescent homes, halfway houses, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1963 or 1964
32 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of seventy-nine independent convalescent homes, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1967 or 1968
33 of 50
Statistical summary of the income, expenditure, work and costs of ninety-six independent convalescent homes, halfway houses, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1965 or 1966
34 of 50
Statistical reports and order of cost, 1932-1936
35 of 50
[Statistical summary of the income, expenditure and work of London hospitals for the years 1942 - 1946]
36 of 50
Statistical summary: the income, expenditure, work and costs of sixty six independent convalescent homes, other homes and hospitals, for their respective financial years ended in 1973 or 1974
37 of 50
Statistical summary: the income, expenditure, work and costs of seventy-nine independent convalescent homes, other homes and hospitals for their respective financial years ended in 1968 or 1969
38 of 50
Submission by the King's Fund to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health : [comprising] the impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts, and, the impact of the NHS reforms on London
39 of 50
Staff attitudes and opinions : report to King Edward's Hospital Fund on a survey of staff attitudes and opinions in the London Hospital Group
40 of 50
Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the system prevailing in the London hospitals with regard to the admission of out-patients with minutes of evidence and appendices
41 of 50
Doing different things in a different way : possibilities for the post-Tomlinson primary and community health services development programme for London
42 of 50
The post-Tomlinson specialty reviews : towards a strategic process for London : [letter to Brian Mawhinney, Minister of State, 15th December 1992 from Robert Maxwell]
43 of 50
London Monitor : focusing on London's health services
44 of 50
What next for London's health care?
45 of 50
A proposal to form an investment fund for primary care development for London
46 of 50
London Monitor : focusing on London's health services
47 of 50
The King's Fund : yesterday, today and tomorrow
48 of 50
The London specialist postgraduate hospitals : a review and commentary on their future
49 of 50
Key to map showing hospitals and convalescent homes within the Metropolitan Police District 1954
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