This report summarises the literature on geographical variations in hospital admission rates in the UK and internationally. It is restricted to studies of inpatient admissions. It concludes that the examination of the variations provides invaluable insights into the nature and extent of medical uncertainty, and that this information is essential ...
This report is concerned with efforts to assure quality in medical care, focussing on quality assurance efforts affecting care provided by doctors and hospitals (and to a lesser extent nursing homes). The study examines quality assurance in Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany, Belgium and England as these represent a range ...
The development of a network of services and support for people with A.I.D.S. is a challenge for voluntary agencies, for the NHS and for local authorities. There is a consensus that services should, as far as possible, be provided to enable people to be cared for in their own homes. ...
This conference was convened to consider and discuss the hospital services, their organisation and scope with special reference to methods of administration. From each country was presented a paper written by the representative of that country dealing in fairly general terms with the principal features of its acute hospital service.
This book describes a visit to a number of hospitals and other institutions in the Eastern States of America by a delegation from Charing Cross Hospital. The delegation held the view that the management of health is a problem which should know no national boundaries and which must be a ...
This book is a collection of papers given at a conference which examined what the role of senior administrators in the health field should be. The following four questions were addressed by the speakers. Does the senior health administrator have a role as either innovator or catalyst in 1) the ...
This report, which looks at the training of hospital administrators makes a number of recommendations, including the following : that a two year course at graduate level be established for new entrants to the profession of hospital administration; that lecturers and demonstrators be appointed to teach in the college and ...