The author describes his visit to Zambia to advise on the development of a policy for hospitals at all levels and an approach to implementation. He visited the country from 27 February to 13 March 1994 to see the major types of hospitals. His recommendations for reforms are presented along ...
The author looks at the NHS in London two years after the report of the King's Fund Commission on London and the Tomlinson report and three years before the next general election. Policies shaping the NHS in London have become increasingly controversial. He argues that despite the growing resistance to ...
This paper proposes an alliance of charitable foundations, together with Government, to make a distinctive contribution to the way in which health services for Londoners are being shaped. It explains how an investment fund could form the basis of a high profile three year development programme; how it could be ...
This is a collection of short papers based on a seminar to mark the eighty fifth birthday of Sir George Godber. They examine issues of substantial relevance to the present and future of the National Health Service.
These guidelines have been compiled in response to an assessed need from hospitals for help with commissioning arts and artists. It is divided into seven chapters and includes guidance on the need for a committee; choosing a site; the commissioning process; fundraising. Its recommendations are based on 10 years of ...
The aim of this project was to discover whether the needs of people whose relatives die in hospital are being met within that setting. Surveys were undertaken to gain the views of both sides, by seeking both the experiences of bereaved relatives, and by ascertaining the procedures and practices of ...
This history begins with the foundation of the Lancet in 1823, and ends in 1982 with the restructuring of the National Health Service, when the management of hospitals in isolation from other health services had ceased. The opening chapters consider the endowed and voluntary hospitals, the poor law infirmaries and ...
St Mark's colo-rectal hospital celebrated its 150th anniversary in 1985. It is the only colo-rectal hospital to survive in Britain and thus is unique. It is also a particularly distinguished example from a class of hospitals that developed in the nineteenth century in London and elsewhere to combat specific diseases, ...
In 1976, the Jubilee Project was established by the King's Fund to commemorate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee by upgrading wards in ten of London's older hospitals. Many of London's district general hospitals had not been rebuilt as had been planned in the early 1960s, and little renovation had ...
This is the fourth in the series of do-it-yourself surveys of hospitals published by the King's Fund. The report describes the views of elderly people who are likely to spend the rest of their lives in hospital, together with the views of their visitors and the hospital staff. The survey ...
This is the third edition of a survey which aims to devise a questionnaire that general hospitals could use to find the views of patients about their stay in hospital. The questions cover five areas of life in hospital: the ward and its equipment; sanitary accommodation; meals; activities; and care ...
Setting standards, measuring performance and programming remedial action are prime functions of management. They are not, however, those which are generally applied to feeding patients in hospitals. This account of a study undertaken into means of providing hospital management with such information will, it is hoped, be welcome at the ...
This checklist is the result of a study carried out during the management course which formed part of the National Training Scheme in Hospital Administration at the King's Fund College. The aim of the study was to discover the extent to which good industrial relations practice, as set out in ...
This is the second edition of a survey which aims to devise a questionnaire that general hospitals could use to find the views of patients about their stay in hospital. The questions cover five areas of life in hospital: the ward and its equipment; sanitary accommodation; meals; activities; and care ...
The King's Fund undertook a survey of the problem of administration of admissions of patients to hospitals, and of possible solutions. It concentrated largely on hospitals that were believed to have already established good practice in this field. A questionnaire was distributed to the 60 general hospitals in the United ...
This report is the outcome of an enquiry into the subject of relationships between GPs and hospitals. Its object is to draw attention to the problem of communication between hospitals and general practitioners and make any recommendations which seem indicated.
The main study was carried out in 18 smaller hospitals in West Cornwall without pharmacists. The objectives were: introduction of an improved design of prescription sheets for acute and long-stay hospitals; production of a procedural booklet on the prescribing, administration and distribution of drugs for medical, nursing and pharmaceutical staff; ...
Both the National Staff Committee and the National Nursing Staff Committee have drawn attention to the importance of the techniques of personnel selection and interviewing, and urge that members and officers of employing authorities should have some knowledge of them. The procedure was laid down in HM(67)2 and HM(67)71 but ...
The material in this document is based on a series of papers given at a conference held at the King's Fund Hospital Centre. This book is an attempt to discuss the part of the the research and development project at Greenwich District Hospital which was concerned with some of the ...
These papers were written in an attempt to help people appointed to the comparatively new post of organiser of voluntary help in the hospital service, and are directed particularly to those with little or no experience of the hospital world. It is also hoped that all staff, particularly nurses and ...
This document reviews the literature written about the use, provision and design of specialised or adapted clothing for people with physical disabilities. Chapters in the report cover the development of special clothing and adaptions; experiences and experiments in hospitals; experience in various countries; fabrics; laundering and dry cleaning; incontinence.
Because of the ever increasing difficulty of obtaining and retaining skilled catering staff, particularly in the larger cities and comparatively remote country districts, this report looks at the ways in which better use of the few skilled staff available could be achieved by the introduction of automation and mechanisation of ...
This report looks at different productivity schemes which could be adopted by hospitals to ensure that public expenditure is held in check. Current thinking about training emphasises the fact that little benefit will be gained unless the situation which is desired to change has first been thoroughly analysed. The first ...
This is the first edition of a survey which aims to devise a questionnaire that general hospitals could use to find the views of patients about their stay in hospital. The questions cover five areas of life in hospital: the ward and its equipment; sanitary accommodation; meals; activities; and care ...
This document presents the findings of an investigation into the problems of prescribing, distributing and administering prescribed drugs in small hospitals
The aims of the survey were: i) to record and describe the experience of hospitals in relation to the recruitment, training ,remuneration and method of working of voluntary service organisers; ii) to study the achievements of full-time organisers in the use of volunteers within the hospitals and in their relationships ...
Criticisms of hospital food arise mainly from the effects of delay between cooking and eating. The Catering Advisory Service of king Edward's Fund has been particularly interested in studying ways and means of shortening this interval. This study on peripheral finishing kitchens is one of the possible solutions. It has ...
This report details research undertaken by the landscape architect of the King's Fund into development of new hospital grounds. It includes advice to hospital planners and builders as to how they should make use of the natural resources of their sites. When a hospital is to be built, extreme care ...
This is a report of an investigation into crockery washing with particular reference to the use of detergent dispensers and the centralisation of patients' crockery washing.
The theme for this conference was the pressure for more medical services, including curative care of all kinds and medical care and for more hospital services of all types, including acute, mixed, long-term and psychiatric services. Each paper provides an objective statement of facts as they exist in each country.
This second conference was presented with very definite and deliberately chosen terms of reference to form the basis of the papers and discussions. These were: 1) in the changing context of hospital administration what are the most important problems of today?; 2) how are these problems being dealt with and ...
This conference was convened to consider and discuss the hospital services, their organisation and scope with special reference to methods of administration. From each country was presented a paper written by the representative of that country dealing in fairly general terms with the principal features of its acute hospital service.
The author reports on his visit to hospitals in Canada and the United States of America to examine a wide range of hospital procedures to see if electronic and other scientific developments can contribute to efficiency and make more effective use of hospital resources in manpower and facilities.
This document presents the evaluation of the New Guy's House: to establish as accurately as possible the extent to which the building was fulfilling the intention of those who planned it and meeting the needs of patients and staff as a surgical block; to provide guidance to other authorities who ...
In 1957/58, the King's Fund conducted an enquiry into the problem of noise control in hospitals, and the results of this enquiry were published in a report in November 1958. In 1960 it was felt that some useful information might be obtained by inviting the fifteen hospitals of the initial ...
This manual suggests subjects for enquiry and observation when hospital visits are being undertaken to gain first hand knowledge of the hospital and its work. The areas of the hospital covered are : inpatients; casualty patients; outpatients; medical records department; elderly people; operating theatres; x-ray and pathological departments; physiotherapy, occupational ...
It was suggested that the future of efficient hospital library services could only be assured if fuller knowledge were available of existing services and their cost. This survey of a limited area was undertaken to prepare the way for a conference of all interested bodies in the country. The terms ...
The idea of finding out which particular noises in hospitals were most worrying to patients was considered by the King's Fund in 1956 and it was decided that the hospital visitors should make special enquiries during the course of their visits to London hospitals. The resulting comments, which were made ...
In the first half-century of its work, the King's Fund was concerned with the support, benefit and extension of the voluntary hospitals of London, and therefore had little or no contact with mental and mental deficiency hospitals. When the National Health Service Act was implemented in 1948, the need for ...
One recommendation from a report on hospital catering was that catering in hospitals should be treated as the function of a separate department, under the charge of a qualified and experienced caterer, with competent staff. The Fund decided to establish the School of Hospital Catering. Initially this would provide refresher ...