After 19 years it is clear that the foundations of the NHS are sound, but there is still much readjustment to be achieved within the general plan. It has become increasingly clear that somehow much better cooperation must be achieved if the main divisions of the NHS, hospitals, public health ...
This report is the outcome of an enquiry into the subject of relationships between GPs and hospitals. Its object is to draw attention to the problem of communication between hospitals and general practitioners and make any recommendations which seem indicated.
This document includes six papers presented at the seminar. The papers look at the relationship between consultants and general practitioners; the collection of data within community services; community psychiatry; and the education of general practitioners.
The book studies referral behaviour by relating medical referrals sent by doctors to a district hospital to findings from in-depth interviews with these doctors and to information about their use of the investigation services. The author goes on to study the outcome of the referrals by interviewing the consultants concerned ...
At whatever age general practitioners retire, whether early, late, or at what is regarded as the conventional time (65), this is likely to have substantial implications for manpower planning - in the UK for example in connection with the demand for and establishment of vocational training schemes. A study of ...
This paper looks at the attitudes and behaviour in seeking health care of all the general medical practitioners in one family practitioner area - Avon. The results show that this group of doctors find difficulty in receiving help from other doctors, particularly for conditions to which doctors are most susceptible. ...
The care given to a random sample of adults who died in 1987 is described retrospectively by relatives and others who had known them. Most praised, or were satisfied with, the care given by general practitioners but both the statistics and the quotations reveal some disconcerting inadequacies in this care, ...
The Innovation in Medical Education project, based in the Department of General Practice and Primary Care, King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry aimed to explore the implications of a substantial move of medical education into the community. The main areas covered were: interviews with a wide range of interest ...