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King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
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Staff colleges year book 1960
1 of 100
A literature review of the cost-effectiveness of nuclear medicine
2 of 100
Strategy and objectives, 1995
3 of 100
London Monitor : focusing on London's health services
4 of 100
Improving hospital design : a report on the King's Fund Hospital Design Competition for 1993
5 of 100
Zambia's hospitals
6 of 100
What next for London's health care?
7 of 100
Community-oriented primary care : a resource for developers
8 of 100
Widening the horizons of medical education : a report on the issues involved in moving medical education into the community
9 of 100
London Monitor : focusing on London's health services
10 of 100
Homelessness : what can the health service do?
11 of 100
A proposal to form an investment fund for primary care development for London
12 of 100
Report of a working party on chiropractic
13 of 100
Eighty-five not out : essays to honour Sir George Godber
14 of 100
Doing different things in a different way : possibilities for the post-Tomlinson primary and community health services development programme for London
15 of 100
The post-Tomlinson specialty reviews : towards a strategic process for London : [letter to Brian Mawhinney, Minister of State, 15th December 1992 from Robert Maxwell]
16 of 100
Guide lines : better information literature for hospital patients
17 of 100
Submission by the King's Fund to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health : [comprising] the impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts, and, the impact of the NHS reforms on London
18 of 100
Nursing into the 1990s
19 of 100
The nation's health : a strategy for the 1990s : a report from an Independent Multidisciplinary Committee
20 of 100
Management and resource allocation in end-stage renal failure units : a review of current issues
21 of 100
Assuring the quality of medical practice : an international comparative study
22 of 100
Value for caring : recognising unpaid carers
23 of 100
Dealing with death in hospital : procedures for managers and staff
24 of 100
Keepers : inside stories from total institutions
25 of 100
The natural history of a survey : an account of the methodological issues encountered in a study of life before death
26 of 100
The role of the general practitioner in caring for people in the last year of their lives
27 of 100
Promoting women's health : report of a conference : compiled and edited for the Department of Health by Dr. Pfeffer and Dr. Quick
28 of 100
Managing for health result : papers from a King's Fund International Seminar
29 of 100
Caring for the people : local strategies for achieving change in community services.
30 of 100
A.I.D.S. strategy in Northern Ireland : low prevalence, high cooperation : report of a Working Party
31 of 100
44 Lancaster Place : a story of resettlement
32 of 100
Ethics and the health services manager
33 of 100
Variations in hospital admission rates : a review of the literature
34 of 100
The health of doctors
35 of 100
Living with MS : a guide for carers, families and friends
36 of 100
Blood cholesterol measurement in the prevention of coronary heart disease : programme and abstracts : the sixth in a series of consensus development conferences
37 of 100
Art in hospitals : a guide
38 of 100
The art of dying : the story of two sculptors' residency in a hospice
39 of 100
Intensive care in the United Kingdom : report from the King's Fund Panel
40 of 100
DRGs and health care : the management of case mix
41 of 100
Matters of death and life : a study of bereavement support in NHS hospitals in England
42 of 100
Understanding the NHS : a question of incentives
43 of 100
Working with people with loss or threatened loss of vision
44 of 100
Prevention of cervical cancer : the patient's view
45 of 100
Improving postgraduate and continuing education
46 of 100
The King's Fund working party on paediatric surgery in the Greater London portion of the Thames regions
47 of 100
The treatment of stroke : King's Fund Forum consensus statement
48 of 100
Report on a visit to geriatric centres of excellence in the United States of America
49 of 100
An ordinary life in practice : developing comprehensive community-based services for people with learning difficulties
50 of 100
Changing futures : housing and support services for people discharged from psychiatric hospitals
51 of 100
The nation's health : a strategy for the 1990's : a report from an Independent Multidisciplinary Committee ; chaired by Professor Alwyn Smith
52 of 100
Nursing quality assurance directory
53 of 100
Health, rights and resources
54 of 100
Cost and choice in health care : the ethical dimension
55 of 100
Caring for people with A.I.D.S. in the community : report of a conference held at the Institute of Education, University of London, 25 March 1987
56 of 100
Bridging the gap : case management and advocacy for people with physical handicaps
57 of 100
The role and function of community hospitals
58 of 100
Planning for the elderly : achieving a balance of care
59 of 100
NHS pay : achieving greater flexibility
60 of 100
Critical choices
61 of 100
Community care in Britain : variations on a theme
62 of 100
The King's Fund : yesterday, today and tomorrow
63 of 100
The future of NHS general management: where next?
64 of 100
British geriatric medicine in the 1980's
65 of 100
Screening for fetal and genetic abnormality : programme and abstracts : the fourth in a series of consensus development conferences [held at] Regents College Inner Circle, Regents Park, November 30, December 1 and 2, 1987
66 of 100
Recalling the medical officer of health : writings by Sidney Chave
67 of 100
Planned health services for inner London : back to back planning : report on the regional plans for Inner London's health authorities
68 of 100
Medicine in contemporary society : King's College studies 1986-87
69 of 100
Lifelines : an account of the life experiences of seven people with a mental handicap who used the NIMROD service
70 of 100
In dreams begins responsibility : a tribute to Tom Evans
71 of 100
Health promotion in North America : implications for the UK : a report from a HEC/King's Fund Study Tour, October 1985
72 of 100
DRGs and health care : the management of case mix
73 of 100
Care of the dying : a guide for health authorities
74 of 100
General practitioners' retirement plans and factors influencing them : report to the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London on a project undertaken January-June 1985
75 of 100
Building community with people with mental handicaps, their families and friends
76 of 100
The development of the London Hospital System, 1823-1982
77 of 100
Making the break : parents' views about adults with a mental handicap leaving the parental home
78 of 100
Primary health care in the inner cities after Acheson
79 of 100
A review of hospital catering
80 of 100
Good practice in hospital care for the dying
81 of 100
Strengthening the role of health authority members
82 of 100
Strategies for changing the use of diagnostic radiology
83 of 100
The limits of altruism : the elderly mentally infirm people as a test case for collaboration
84 of 100
The troubled gut : the causes and consequences of diarrhoea
85 of 100
`Not a penny to call my own' : poverty amongst residents in mental illness and mental handicap hospitals
86 of 100
The emperor's new clothes : family practitioner committees in the 1980's
87 of 100
Rights and wrongs in medicine
88 of 100
Managers as strategists : health services managers reflecting on practice
89 of 100
Innovation in everyday health care, 13 and 14 February 1986: the conference papers
90 of 100
Getting better all the time? : issues and strategies for ensuring quality in community services for people with mental handicap : papers and reports from a workshop organised by the Department of Mental Health (in association with the Department of Extra-Mural Studies) University of Bristol, May 7th - 9th 1986
91 of 100
Education and training in psychiatry : a case study in the continuity of medical education
92 of 100
The effects of the National Health Service on the nursing profession 1948-1961
93 of 100
Evaluation of Management Advisory Service and performance review trials in the NHS : a report prepared for King Edward's Hospital Fund for London by a team from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Brunel University
94 of 100
NHS management perspectives for doctors
95 of 100
Financing health services in the United States, Canada and Britain : Nuffield/Leverhulme Fellowship Report
96 of 100
A consultation on the accreditation of residential care homes, nursing homes and mental nursing homes : a report of, and commentary upon, a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on 25 January 1985
97 of 100
St Mark's Hospital, London : a social history of a specialist hospital
98 of 100
Strategies for changing the use of diagnostic radiology : a multicentre trial of strategies for implementing the Royal College of Radiologists' guidelines on the use of pre-operative chest X-rays in hospitals in the United Kingdom : report submitted to King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
99 of 100
Providing a district library service : proposals arising from a series of workshops held in 1983 about the contribution library services can make to the provision and use of information in the NHS
100 of 100