This report describes the King's Fund provision of homes for elderly people who do not require continued hospital treatment, but do need somewhere to go before returning to their own homes. Although the day-to-day running of these homes is undertaken by voluntary organisations, the hospital services undertake to accept responsibility ...
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1955. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.
This booklet is for wardens and matrons who are catering for elderly people in residential accommodation and who seek guidance about changes in diets which may be necessary. The first few paragraphs are concerned with general principles of feeding elderly people, and the remainder of the booklet gives more detailed ...
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1958. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1960. The Service undertakes to visit, on behalf of hospitals, elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition does not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward although no patient is visited and no action is taken ...
This document reports the work of the Hospital Personal Aid Service during 1959. The Service undertook visits, on behalf of hospitals, to elderly people awaiting admission to hospital whose medical condition did not warrant immediate admission to an acute ward.
This document reports the results of a Committee of which the terms of reference were : to ensure in Lewisham full co-operation between all services for the elderly, to ascertain what gaps existed and how they could be best filled. The Special Committee agreed to look particularly at the application ...
This booklet is for wardens and matrons who are catering for elderly people in residential accommodation and who seek guidance about changes in diet which may be necessary. the first few paragraphs are concerned with general principles of feeding elderly people and the remainder of the booklet gives more detailed ...
The precise nutritional needs of old people are unknown. In an attempt to discover levels of intake compatible with health it was decided to carry out a survey of the dietary needs of elderly women living alone, and to make a clinical assessment of the subjects. The survey results are ...
This book consists of a series of papers on various aspects of day hospitals for elderly people in Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1970. The author stresses that the reason for and the primary role of the day hospital are therapeutic and the major reasons for their use are ...
In 1962, sixty women living alone took part in a seven-day weighed diet survey. When the dietary intake of women in their early and late seventies was compared it was found that there was a decline in dietary intake of as much as 30 per cent in some nutrients between ...
The function of a meals on wheels service is to provide meals sufficiently often and of such nutritive value as to make a significant contribution to total food intake. In this investigation the meals supplied by six meals on wheels kitchens and two luncheon clubs in two North London boroughs ...
The present study was designed to assess the nutritional status of the housebound and to compare their dietary intakes with those of more active old people. For this comparison the results of two surveys were available: elderly people on the list of a large group practice in the London borough ...
This experimental project took place in Newcastle upon Tyne to look at the health of elderly people. The aims of the project were: to develop experimental after-care and preventive medicine with patients, their friends and families; to help develop relationships that bridge the gap between family and friend and hospital ...
This is the fourth in the series of do-it-yourself surveys of hospitals published by the King's Fund. The report describes the views of elderly people who are likely to spend the rest of their lives in hospital, together with the views of their visitors and the hospital staff. The survey ...
This conference took place within the context of three related developments. Firstly, there was the wide-ranging debate about standard setting and the measurement of quality in public services. Secondly, there were the more specific concerns about standards of care in residential accommodation for the elderly, and thirdly, there was the ...
This research project is the result of collaboration by the following organisations:- The King's Fund; London Boroughs Training Committee; London Voluntary Services Council; National Institute of Social Work; Age Concern Greater London. It was financed by the King's Fund. The limits of altruism explores the social and psychological processes which ...
Arthur Andersen and Co. Management Consultants has been involved with a number of research projects designed to measure value for money in health and local authority services. This booklet describes the components which they believe make up a successful joint planning exercise. Its purpose is to present some lessons and ...
The care given to a random sample of adults who died in 1987 is described retrospectively by relatives and others who had known them. Most praised, or were satisfied with, the care given by general practitioners but both the statistics and the quotations reveal some disconcerting inadequacies in this care, ...