Resources can be allocated to health care in a variety of ways. Ten major approaches are described in this document. All of these fall within a number of ethical and economic constraints, and yet health authorities differ in the extent to which they place emphasis on important factors. No perfect ...
This international seminar was held to consider ways and means of providing the best possible health care with restricted resources and the part that administrators play in such provision.
In recent years there has been considerable discussion about how the National Training Scheme (NTS) has been run and how it might evolve in the future. Over the past eighteen months, Regional Supervisors responsible for organising the NTS in the four Thames and Wessex regions have met regularly at the ...
This seminar had been arranged with a view to discussing the importance of taking capital costs into account in a specialty budgeting system, and if their inclusion was thought necessary, to consider how such costs should be represented. This topic appeared to have been given little consideration previously and therefore ...
A residential workshop was held at the King's Fund College in Bayswater to explore the issues arising when children with learning difficulties cannot be cared for by their own parents. This book provides a summary of the workshop discussions and the major issues raised, as well as the invited papers ...
In 1979, the King's Fund College and the Institute of Health Service Administrators agreed to collaborate in making arrangements for this Workshop to explore the role, needs and training requirements of those involved in administration at operational level. Strengthening administration at this level has since been stressed by both the ...
This workshop explored the role, needs and training requirements of those involved in administration at operational level within unit general management. The objectives of the workshop were: to clarify the role of the unit administrator; to identify key issues to take into account in establishing effective teamwork and leadership; to ...
The objectives of the seminar were to review some of the current initiatives in the nursing field in the United Kingdom to see what methods could wisely be incorporated in the new financial systems being tested in those Districts currently working with CASPE. Cost planning is defined in the terms ...
The seminars aimed to explore the interests and concerns of the new district health authority chairmen. The main topics covered were establishing the district health authority as an effective body; the appointment of chief officers and the setting up of the management structure; activities before the 1982 restructuring; organisation and ...
The aim of the seminar was to identify the importance of clarifying the role and relationships of functional managers and unit administrators if the strengthening of administration at operational level was to be achieved. Functions represented were confined to general administration, catering, domestic management and works. Organisational principles, the development ...
This second section of the report on surgical services in Herefordshire has three parts. Part A includes the authors' observations of practices in waiting list management and admissions policy which caused concern. Part B concerns practices in the operating theatres which were observed and which give cause for concern. Wherever ...
This seminar was organised jointly by the King's Fund College and the Royal College of Nursing to explore accountability, leadership and power in nursing as it relates to society. Membership of the seminar was spread widely throughout Europe encompassing nurses able to speak with authority about their own health care ...
The tour of North America on which this report is based gave health professionals from the UK an opportunity to study the ideas and practices of countries with different health care systems and an extensive experience of health promotion initiatives. The implications for this country contained in this book are ...
Reuse of single use equipment raises many issues, including legal and ethical ones. This report is the proceedings of a King's Fund conference. The following topics are covered: 1. General perspectives of the various groups involved; 2. Clinical issues; 3. Legal and ethical implications; 4. Technical issues; 5. Economic issues; ...
This report contains the findings of a survey of ex-national trainees who are not currently working in the NHS. A surprisingly large number of trainees left the Service before reaching senior positions. Not only did this represent a waste of the money and manpower which had gone into their training ...
This is the third paper by the authors on managing the relocation of psychiatric services from large institutions to new patterns of local provision. It offers a summary of their current thinking about the characteristics of an assessment and resettlement model which would be compatible with the wider planning issues ...
National policies promoting a shift from institutional to more community based patterns of care for people with mental health problems, have not evolved in a single, coherent way, nor have they been implemented uniformly. In devising strategies appropriate to developing psychiatric services in the next decade, lessons should be learned ...
At the invitation of the King's Fund College a group of 34 senior managers from the NHS, social services and the voluntary sector met for three days in May and June 1987 to review current organisational frameworks and processes for delivering community care. This statement summarises the outcome of these ...
This workshop was arranged to bring together those who were at the leading edge of developing quality assurance in community care for people with learning difficulties, those with mental health problems, people with physical disabilities and frail elderly people. Three main issues were examined: the definition of quality assurance in ...
In 1983, the Government published the NHS Management Inquiry, led by Sir Roy Griffiths and colloquially known as the 'Griffiths Report'. The remit of the Inquiry Committee was to give advice on the effective use and management of manpower and related resources.
This report discusses a study of the implications ...
In March 1986 the NHS Training Authority commissioned the King's Fund College to conduct a project to investigate the training and development needs of Family Practitioner Committees (FPCs) with particular reference to their management development needs. The aims of the project were twofold: 1) to identify the current and probable ...
This paper is intended as a contribution to the Prime Minister's Review of the NHS. It argues that the use of incentives, competition and better management has already led to significant progress in improving efficiency, effectiveness and consumer responsiveness within the NHS. The key challenge now is to build on ...