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Nursing in a post Griffiths world : a study in five English health districts.
1 of 100
King's Fund international seminar : what is health result?
2 of 100
Robustness in practice : the regional planning of health services
3 of 100
Robustness in practice : the regional planning of health services : draft
4 of 100
Caring together : mental health USA & Canada
5 of 100
Primary care : a view from across the water
6 of 100
Professional bureaucracies markets and networks : managing beyond the market in public service
7 of 100
King's Fund international seminar 1990 : managing health care : the guidance-delivery tension
8 of 100
Performance review and general management
9 of 100
The use of performance indicators in Southampton and South West Hampshire Health Authority : a pilot study
10 of 100
King's Fund international seminar : manager's as strategists : some notes on strategic managing, organisational learning and development strategy
11 of 100
Consideration of the Canadian medical chief of staff role and its suitability to the U.K
12 of 100
Quality assurance in the USA : state of the art?
13 of 100
Reforming the National Health Service : seven golden rules
14 of 100
Noah's Ark Red Cross Foundation : an organization against HIV and A.I.D.S
15 of 100
Further details of the scheme for travelling fellowships for managers in the NHS
16 of 100
Textile reprocessing in Europe
17 of 100
Report of a study tour : comparison of nurse staff and voluntary effort in U.K. and Australian children's hospitals
18 of 100
Some aspects of European psychiatric institutes : an overview
19 of 100
Report on the secondment to the Department of Health/Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington DC
20 of 100
Information technology and the hospital nurse
21 of 100
Income generation in North America : a study made during a visit to North America, 16-29 October 1988
22 of 100
Have a nice day! : the American experience.
23 of 100
Fund strategy : [theme of Robert Maxwell's talk 10th April 1990]
24 of 100
Aspects of current developments in health care in Finland
25 of 100
Evaluation of the impact of departments of community health in the province of Quebec
26 of 100
Grenada : the organisation of primary care
27 of 100
Quality assurance and psychiatry in the Netherlands
28 of 100
Report of a study visit to the Beth Israel Hospital, Boston Massachusetts
29 of 100
"Going Dutch"
30 of 100
'Best of health competition' : overseas study tour of Japan, New Zealand, United States and Canada
31 of 100
Training of managers in health care : an approach in the USA
32 of 100
Report of a visit to Ontario, Canada
33 of 100
Quality assurance in the USA : health care in 1986
34 of 100
The marketing of professional (pharmaceutical) service : a study of services to private nursing homes in U.S.A
35 of 100
The prescription flood : a powerful channel of information or an expensive morass of paper? : a comparative study of prescription processing systems and data usage in England, Holland, West Germany
36 of 100
Report of a study tour to Sweden to examine the development of services for people with a mental handicap
37 of 100
Vocational alternatives : vocational opportunities for people with a mental handicap in Canada and Vocational alternatives : a report by Sharon Hodson on vocational opportunities for people with a mental handicap in Canada
38 of 100
Meeting the needs of the community : a study of health care in Kenya
39 of 100
Visit to Chogoria Hospital, Kenya
40 of 100
Educational programme reports
41 of 100
Guide to postgraduate study in health sector management disciplines in the United Kingdom :resource guide 2
42 of 100
Developing management information systems : programme design and participants in the IESE national seminars (December 1992; January 1993) and study visits (March 1993) : educational programme report 2
43 of 100
Developing health sector leadership : a report on an educational programme for Czech and Slovak managers (London 1992) and review (Brno, March 1993) : educational report 1
44 of 100
Recommendations from the Brno health management conference (March 1993) : educational programme report 3
45 of 100
Lessons from the PHARE health sector management project
46 of 100
Executive summary and recommendations from the PHARE health sector management project to the Health Ministry of the Czech Republic
47 of 100
The in-country health sector management training marketplace : resource guide 1
48 of 100
Needs action : Buckinghamshire care assessment project : first interim report of the Community Care Assessment Project
49 of 100
Achieving strategic change in opportunities and services for people with learning difficulties : a principled agenda for the 1990s
50 of 100
Capital costs and specialty budgeting : a report of a day seminar held at the King's Fund College on 1 May 1980
51 of 100
Ealing Hammersmith & Hounslow Health agency : mental health review
52 of 100
Hillingdon Health Agency : review of learning difficulties and mental health services
53 of 100
Evidence presented to the DHSS, Committee of Inquiry, into the future development of the public health function and community medicine and Health promotion in North America : implications for the UK : a report from a HEC/King's Fund Study Tour, October 1985
54 of 100
Extracontractual referrals : a study carried out by the King's Fund Institute/King's Fund College for the Audit Commission
55 of 100
Extracontractual referrals : appendices
56 of 100
Taking the longer view
57 of 100
The management development needs of the NHS in Scotland : final report of the work carried out by the King's Fund College : a report to the Manpower Directorate of the Management Executive of the NHS in Scotland, October 1993
58 of 100
Crafting ideas for the future : new management thinking and the future of the NHS : annual review for the Management Committee of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
59 of 100
Medical director : what's that?
60 of 100
A review of surgical services in Herefordshire Health Authority : part two of the project report co-ordinated by the King's Fund College
61 of 100
Learning across the walls : the prison service and the NHS
62 of 100
Management development for community care : report of a search conference on management competencies and community care in London [held on] January 6-8 1993 [at the] King's Fund College, London
63 of 100
Family placements for mentally handicapped children : report of a residential workshop [held at] King's Fund College, Bayswater, 14th-16th May, 1979
64 of 100
A review of surgical services in Herefordshire Health Authority : final report : a commissioned project undertaken by the King's Fund College
65 of 100
Doctors as managers of clinical resources : report of a working conference on management development, [held in] Dublin, 16-18 May 1993
66 of 100
Shifting the balance : from acute to community health care
67 of 100
Beyond provider dominance : managing transition and change : stimulated by papers from a King's Fund international seminar
68 of 100
Preparing for reorganisation in the Medway Health Authority : an organisational analysis. Report of a study on: a) methods of describing existing patterns of decision making within the District; b) an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of alternatives to the present arrangements for Unit management
69 of 100
The healthy Romania project and Romanian national health strategy project : a healthy future
70 of 100
Seeking better futures in Havering : feasibility study on the future organization and management arrangements for services for people with learning difficulties in Havering
71 of 100
Health priority setting
72 of 100
Purchasing patient centred care : integrating primary, secondary and community health services
73 of 100
ENQUIRE : quality assurance through observation of service delivery : a workbook
74 of 100
The commissioning experience : learning the art of purchasing
75 of 100
Quality assurance in mental health services : quality assurance action planning and standard setting through observation of service delivery (ENQUIRE) : final report phase I : Sept 1991 - Feb 1992
76 of 100
Purchasing dilemmas : special report
77 of 100
Making it happen : the role of the Authority Chief Executive
78 of 100
Purchasing together
79 of 100
Cleveland Enquiry : day seminar 20 July 1988 : commentary on the proceedings
80 of 100
Implementing assessment and care management : learning from local experience 1990-1991
81 of 100
Who shall live? who shall die? :Oregon's health financing proposals
82 of 100
Cost planning for nursing services : report of a day seminar held at the King's Fund College on 28 May 1981
83 of 100
Inter-agency relationships in a national strategy for developing community care following the `Caring for People' White Paper : notes from a seminar at the King's Fund College, Thursday, 15 February 1990
84 of 100
Enabling community integration : the role of public authorities in promoting `an ordinary life' for people with learning disabilities in the 1990s
85 of 100
Output measurement for health services : report of a day seminar held on Wednesday 17th November 1982
86 of 100
Purchasing with authority : the new role of DHAs
87 of 100
The Swedish health care system : 5 projects about Swedish health system written on a visit to Sweden 21 May - 4 June 1982 : acute care, primary health care, care of the elderly, labour relations in Sweden, Swedish health care today
88 of 100
Short term review of the NHSTA sponsored management development programmes : report to the National Health Service Training Authority
89 of 100
Reuse of sterile, single use and disposable equipment in the NHS : proceedings of a conference held 2-3 December 1985, at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London
90 of 100
Report of seminars for chairmen of new district health authorities : September/October 1981
91 of 100
Report of a workshop for sector and unit administrators held at the King's Fund College 25th - 29th February 1980
92 of 100
Providing effective health care with restricted resources. International seminar for administrators, 2-6 June 1975
93 of 100
Nursing leadership : a report of an international seminar organised by the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London and the Royal College of Nursing held at the King's Fund College, Palace Court, London, 29 October - 2 November 1984
94 of 100
The management of support services at unit level : report of a seminar held at the King's Fund College, 19-20 January 1981
95 of 100
"Making a reality of community care" : a response to Sir Roy Griffiths and his review team : produced by the King's Fund College in consultation with senior managers from the health service, local authorities and voluntary organisations
96 of 100
Graduate administrative training in the four Thames and Wessex regions : report of a workshop [held at] King's Fund College, 23 and 24 January 1979
97 of 100
Maximising management investment in the NHS : report of a survey carried out for the National Staff Committee for Administrative and Clerical Staff and the National Health Service Training Authority
98 of 100
Corporate management programme progress report 1980-1983
99 of 100
Budgeting and team management : report of a workshop for unit administrators held at the King's Fund College, 5-6 March 1981
100 of 100