This briefing sets out the demand and funding pressures facing social care across the UK. It then looks in detail at the impact of these pressures in England and the barriers to funding reform. and To mark the BBC's coverage of the NHS's 70th birthday in July 2018, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Nuffield Trust have been asked by the BBC to look at five key topics, covering the relative strengths and weaknesses of the health service, ...
To mark the BBC's coverage of the NHS's 70th birthday in July 2018, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Nuffield Trust have been asked by the BBC to look at five key topics, covering the relative strengths and weaknesses of the health service, ... and It is notoriously difficult to predict how technological advances will interact with health services and the policy landscape to shape the future of health care. This report provides numerous examples of developments that were anticipated to transform health care, but that failed to deliver – at least in the short ...
To mark the BBC's coverage of the NHS's 70th birthday in July 2018, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Nuffield Trust have been asked by the BBC to look at five key topics, covering the relative strengths and weaknesses of the health service, ... and This first, main report uses OECD data and a range of other public sources to compare the NHS to health systems in 18 similar developed countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the USA. It looks at three aspects of what we might mean by a good health care system: ...
The UK government spends £150 billion every year on health. This includes day-to-day funding for frontline NHS services, in addition to capital investments, staff training and public health activities. Even after taking account of inflation, this spending is twice what we spent less than 20 years ago at the start ... and To mark the BBC's coverage of the NHS's 70th birthday in July 2018, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Nuffield Trust have been asked by the BBC to look at five key topics, covering the relative strengths and weaknesses of the health service, ...
To mark the BBC's coverage of the NHS's 70th birthday in July 2018, The King's Fund, the Health Foundation, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the Nuffield Trust have been asked by the BBC to look at five key topics, covering the relative strengths and weaknesses of the health service, ...
NHS spending in England may have more than doubled in real terms since 1999/2000, but the prospects for future funding now look bleak. Although there is consensus that the NHS faces a tough financial future, there is no agreement about just how cold the financial climate will be. Starting with ...