The report was prepared by a small study group composed of individuals drawn from organisations concerned with the health and welfare of elderly people throughout the United Kingdom. Following an introductory section setting out the W.H.O. approach to health promotion the report is organised in three parts. Part one - ...
The primary purpose of this report is to draw on the literature on joint planning focusing on practice in England and Wales with a view to identifying potentially useful lessons which might be of value in a Scottish context. The report is in five sections. Section One provides a general ...
In order to gauge the reactions to the Griffiths proposals on community care, the King's Fund Institute sampled opinion across health and social services in the UK by conducting a survey of health and social services managers and a scan of principal practitioner journals. The review of reaction demonstrates a ...
This briefing paper provides a detailed description of the proposals of the Griffiths Report, Community care; agenda for action, together with a critical assessment of the challenge they pose to all involved in planning, management, delivery and receipt of community care. Griffiths poses a number of major challenges. If progress ...
This briefing paper analyses the management of clinical activity in the NHS. It does so against a background of increasing concern that practices are not always as effective or efficient as is sometimes claimed. The paper considers critically the various policy options that have been put forward for tackling this ...
Although the development of community care has been national policy in Britain for at least thirty years, it means something quite different in England, Scotland and Wales. This book offers a comparative study both of the central government departments responsible for making and implementing policy for community care, and of ...
Increased media and public attention to the potential costs of 'epidemics' such as obesity, the two Wanless reports on the future of the public's health and the recent public health White Paper 'Choosing heath' have all helped refocus priorities on a health promoting service rather than a 'sickness service'. However, ...
Increased media and public attention to the potential costs of 'epidemics' such as obesity, the two Wanless reports on the future of the public's health and the recent public health White Paper 'Choosing heath' have all helped refocus priorities on a health promoting service rather than a 'sickness service'. However, ...