This book describes in detail the routine administrative tasks that have to be done in hospital after a patient dies and suggests systems which will ensure that the tasks are carried out efficiently. It lays down clear standards for bereavement officers and hospital staff to enable them to provide the ...
In response to the DHSS circular `Patients dying in hospital' (DA(84)17) the Bloomsbury District Management Team asked for an examination of the way that dying patients and their relatives are cared for in Bloomsbury hospitals. This paper arises out of that examination and also out of discussions with nurses, doctors ...
The information contained in this book concentrates on those features of Sikh religious practice that are likely to be particularly important for health workers and other professionals in hospital and in the community, setting them in the context of the religious beliefs and values from which they spring. It is ...
The British system of naming is only one of many naming systems in the world. The Hindu, Sikh and Muslim systems, for example, are different, and this booklet describes them in detail. It shows how Hindu, Sikh and Muslim names can best be recorded on cards and records used in ...
The British system of naming is only one of many naming systems in the world. The Hindu, Sikh and Muslim systems, for example, are different, and this booklet describes them in detail. It shows how Hindu, Sikh and Muslim names can best be recorded on cards and records used in ...
These notes are intended to guide the trainer through training sessions and indicate the most important points to emphasise on each overhead transparency which give examples of the Hindu, Muslim and Sikh naming systems.