The impetus for this publication came from a seminar which was set up on behalf of the NHS Management Executive to investigate the lessons learned for the development of integrated purchasing from the Localities Project. Purchasing patient-centred health (and social) care requires deliberate focus on the patient through: patient centred ...
This workbook outlining the ENQUIRE system is intended to be a practical guide to establishing and running quality assurance programmes for health and social care. The workbook is based on a number of conceptual tools, which provide both a framework for quality assurance, and assistance in appreciating its full potential. ...
The mental health services within Mid Glamorgan are in a period of considerable change and renewal. The joint county plan for Mid Glamorgan sets out strategic planning objectives to achieve these changes, reflecting the views of service users, statutory agencies and voluntary organisations. Contained within the plan is the commitment ...
This report is based on a seminar held in Southampton in October 1991 which explored an alternative approach to health rationing from that of the Oregon experiment. A specially designed simulation exercise examined the dilemmas facing purchasers in the new NHS. Organised over 24 hours, the simulation centred on three ...
The successful implementation of the NHS reforms hinges on the development of district health authorities as effective purchasers of health care for their residents. The NHS has always been provider driven and if services are to be delivered more efficiently and responsively then it is essential that health authorities are ...
The primary aim of this workbook is to provide managers, front-line workers, external and internal 'inspectors', informal carers and service users, with a shared framework for consultation and evaluation of the quality of services. It is predominantly concerned with community care; however, it has applications in acute and community services ...
Resources can be allocated to health care in a variety of ways. Ten major approaches are described in this document. All of these fall within a number of ethical and economic constraints, and yet health authorities differ in the extent to which they place emphasis on important factors. No perfect ...