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Sustainability and Transformation Plans in the NHS : how are they being developed in practice?
1 of 50
Contested decisions : priority setting in the NHS
2 of 50
The politics of NHS reform 1988-97 : metaphor or reality?
3 of 50
Mapping approaches to commissioning : extending the mosaic
4 of 50
Hubs, spokes and policy cycles : an analysis of the policy implications for the NHS of changes to medical staffing : a paper for the King's Fund London Commission
5 of 50
Tragic choices in health care : the case of Child B
6 of 50
Extracontractual referrals : appendices
7 of 50
Extracontractual referrals : a study carried out by the King's Fund Institute/King's Fund College for the Audit Commission
8 of 50
Purchasing dilemmas : special report
9 of 50
Purchasing with authority : the new role of DHAs
10 of 50
Purchasing together
11 of 50
Submission by the King's Fund to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health : [comprising] the impact of the NHS reforms on health authorities and trusts, and, the impact of the NHS reforms on London
12 of 50
Health check : health care reforms in an international context
13 of 50
Holding on while letting go
14 of 50
Managed competition : a new approach to health care in Britain
15 of 50
Managing clinical activity in the NHS
16 of 50
Medical negligence : compensation and accountability
17 of 50
Health finance : assessing the options
18 of 50
The assessment and use of health care technology
19 of 50
Steering the oil tanker : power and policy making in the Swedish health service
20 of 50
Geographical variations in the use of health services : a review of the literature.
21 of 50
Strengthening the role of health authority members
22 of 50
The promotion of innovation in health care : the case for development agencies in the NHS : a report of, and commentary upon, a conference held at the King's Fund Centre on Wednesday, 28th October 1981
23 of 50
Where next for the NHS reforms? : the case for integrated care.
24 of 50
A report to the Department of Health and the NHS Future Forum : integrated care for patients and populations : improving outcomes by working together.
25 of 50
Integrated care : what is it? : does it work? : what does it mean for the NHS?
26 of 50
The NHS under the coalition government.
27 of 50
Reforming the NHS from within : beyond hierarchy, inspection and markets.
28 of 50
The quest for integrated health and social care : a case study in Canterbury, New Zealand.
29 of 50
Population health systems : going beyond integrated care.
30 of 50
Measuring the performance of local health systems : a review for the Department of Health.
31 of 50
Lessons from experience : making integrated care happen at scale and pace.
32 of 50
Leading health care in London : time for a radical response.
33 of 50
Integrated care in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales : lessons for England.
34 of 50
Improving quality in the English NHS : a strategy for action.
35 of 50
Improving NHS productivity : more with the same not more of the same.
36 of 50
Implementing the NHS five year forward view : aligning policies with the plan.
37 of 50
Health policy priorities for a new parliament.
38 of 50
Future organisational models for the NHS : perspectives for the Dalton review.
39 of 50
Managing health services through devolved governance : a perspective from Victoria, Australia.
40 of 50
Commissioning and funding general practice : making the case for family care networks.
41 of 50
Avoiding hospital admissions : lessons from evidence and experience.
42 of 50
Accountable care organisations in the United States and England : testing, evaluating and learning what works.
43 of 50
Clinical and service integration : the route to improved outcomes.
44 of 50
A year of integrated care systems : reviewing the journey so far.
45 of 50
Sustainability and transformation partnerships in London : an independent review.
46 of 50
Sustainability and transformation plans in London : an independent analysis of the October 2016 STPs (completed in March 2017).
47 of 50
Organising care at the NHS front line : who is responsible?
48 of 50
Leading across the health and care system : lessons from experience.
49 of 50
Delivering sustainability and transformation plans : from ambitious proposals to credible plans.
50 of 50