This new policy paper, which follows up an interim report published in 2002, aims to take a fresh look at the issues facing planners, policy makers and managers responsible for maintaining and developing the health care workforces in London, and to tease out some of the opportunities, as well as ...
Chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart failure and hypertension affect large numbers of people, including patients, carers, families and friends. As the population in England ages, growing numbers of patients will need help with managing complex, multiple conditions over sustained periods. Apart from the burden of ill-health, treating ...
Chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart failure and hypertension affect large numbers of people, including patients, carers, families and friends. As the population in England ages, growing numbers of patients will need help with managing complex, multiple conditions over sustained periods. Apart from the burden of ill-health, treating ...
The King's Fund Mental Health Inquiry 2002/3 revisits many of the issues covered in its previous inquiry of 1997. This identified several areas of concern about the mental health workforce, specifically: a crisis in recruitment and retention of mental health professionals of all disciplines in London; among primary care staff, ...
This research summary, based on a review of the literature and a series of focus groups with NHS staff, shows that while it is difficult to measure how people feel about their work, there is much to suggest that morale and motivation of the NHS workforce are low. It identifies ...