This paper seeks to take a dispassionate look at the potential lessons for the development of economic regulation in health care that can be learned from the experiences of both countries that have already implemented it and those of other market sectors in the United Kingdom. It will be essential ...
This study explores health care professionals' views about safety in maternity services. It identifies aspects of care that are less safe than they should be, possible ways to improve safety and potential obstacles to achieving these improvements.
Written as a contribution to the government's current listening exercise, this paper sets out the challenges facing the NHS and identifies the reforms we believe are needed to meet these challenges. We offer suggestions for revisions to the current Health & Social Care Bill and future policy development but we ...
This paper has been written as a contribution to the work of the NHS Future Forum and in support of the government’s espoused aim of placing integrated care at the heart of the programme of NHS reform. Integrated care is essential to meet the needs of the ageing population, transform ...
In this document, we outline the key findings for professionals in general practice and describe the central role that general practice must now play to improve the quality of health care and The report was commissioned by The King’s Fund on behalf of an independent panel. The views expressed in this report are those of the independent panel and do not necessarily
represent the views of The King’s Fund
This report was commissioned by The King’s Fund on behalf of an independent panel. The views expressed in this report are those of the independent panel and do not necessarily
represent the views of The King’s Fund and General practice is often regarded as the bedrock of the English health care system. Surveys consistently report high levels of trust in GPs and good levels of patient satisfaction with the services they receive in general practice. However, other than data available through the Quality Outcomes Framework and the GP ...
When it came to power in 1997 the Labour government committed to reducing health inequalities, and made extra funding available to those primary care trusts (PCTs) in areas of the country with the worst health and deprivation indicators (Spearhead areas). The General Medical Services contract introduced a pay-for-performance scheme known ...
An independent NHS board has been advocated by a number of commentators, who believe it will reduce both micromanagement and day-to-day political interference in the running of the health service. This report argues that an independent board would be limited in its ability to achieve these aims. It suggests a ...
Complementary medical practitioners may be a distinct minority in places such as Europe, North America and Australia, but in other countries the number of practitioners and the people who use their services are in the majority. Many practitioners practise without qualification or adequate training, and in response to this the ...