This report draws on recent research with vanguard sites in England, conducted in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. It finds that where new models of care have been used to remove the barriers between mental health and other parts of the health system, local professionals saw this as ...
This report is accompanied by 'A day in the life of a GP'. This typical day in the life of a GP draws on the experiences of several GPs working in different practices who we spoke to as part of the research for this report. It has been reviewed by ... and Increasing demands on general practice over the past five years - not just a heavier workload but the increasing complexity and intensity of work - have led to a feeling of crisis. The NHS is finding it difficult to recruit and retain sufficient GPs who want to do full-time, patient-facing ...
This report, published jointly with the Nuffield Trust, looks at the current state of social care services for older people in England, through a combination of national data and interviews with local authorities, NHS and private providers, Healthwatch and other groups. It considers the impact of cuts in local authority ...
This report investigates what ‘good’ district nursing care looks like from the perspective of people receiving this care, unpaid carers and district nursing staff and puts forward a framework for understanding the components involved. It also looks at the growing demand–capacity gap in district nursing and the worrying impact that ...
Based on interviews with eight of the 'first wave' integrated care systems, this report seeks to understand how they are developing and to identify lessons for local systems and national policy-makers.
This report finds that access to and quality of care are both being affected in different ways across the NHS. While public attention tends to focus on high-profile examples of rationing such as restricting access to some types of treatment, the report warns that financial and other pressures are also ...
This report, commissioned by the Mayor of London, reviews the progress made over the past year by the capital’s five sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs), new bodies established to implement local plans for the future of health and care services. It finds evidence of improvements in services for patients in ...
This independent report was commissioned by NHS England as part of a package of support provided to primary and acute care system (PACS) vanguard sites by The King’s Fund. The PACS model is an attempt to bring about closer working between GPs, hospitals, community health professionals, social care and others.
Four years ago, we told the story of the quest for integrated health and social care in Canterbury, New Zealand. In this report, we revisit the experience in Canterbury and consider the lessons that the NHS can learn as it embarks on its own journey of transformation. Canterbury’s progress in ...
This research sought to understand the current state of community services and to explore how the health and care system needs to change to enable these services to meet the needs of the population now and in the future.