This report considers the role and value of volunteers in health and social care. It looks at the important part that volunteers play in improving patient experience, addressing health inequalities, and building a closer relationship between services and communities.
Our health is determined by a complex mix of factors including income, housing and employment status, and lifestyle. There are significant inequalities in health, including life expectancy, between individuals and groups in society. So what creates those inequalities and what are the implications? This report revisits and updates some of ...
Local authorities have been given renewed responsibility for public health as part of the health and social care reforms introduced in April 2013, alongside dedicated funding and a new public health outcomes framework. But given the scale of need and the challenges facing different local communities, how can councils decide ...
While the principles behind resource allocation in the English NHS have changed little since the mid-1970s, the NHS has changed considerably. This paper argues that the resource allocation system needs to change accordingly.
This paper uses Torbay's unique patient-level linked data set to explore the cost of the care pathway for older people admitted to hospital as a result of a fall by tracking their care costs in the 12 months before and after their fall. This is the first time, to our ...
This report, based on work commissioned by the National Housing Federation from The King’s Fund and the New NHS Alliance, looks at the economic case for closer working between the housing and health sectors. The authors demonstrate how housing associations provide a wide range of services that produce health benefits, ...
People's health behaviours are widely known to affect their health and risk of mortality. Less is known about how these behaviours cluster together in the population and how multiple lifestyle risk patterns have changed over time between different population groups. Focusing on changes in the English population between 2003 and ...
Health care commissioners will need to deliver a sustainable system in the face of the most challenging financial and organisational environment seen in decades. They must shift the current emphasis on acute and episodic care towards prevention, self-care and integrated and well co-ordinated care to cope with an aging population ...
This paper explores how volunteers can provide support for the role of general practice, and the opportunities for organisations that currently support volunteering to work more closely with general practice.
The King's Fund's vision for population health is to reduce inequalities and achieve health outcomes on a par with the best in the world. We have developed a framework for population health based on four pillars: the wider determinants of health; our health behaviours and lifestyles; the places and communities ...