This new policy paper, which follows up an interim report published in 2002, aims to take a fresh look at the issues facing planners, policy makers and managers responsible for maintaining and developing the health care workforces in London, and to tease out some of the opportunities, as well as ...
This working paper examines the London labour market for health care staff. The study was conducted against the background of the early implementation of the National Health Service and Community Care Act and focuses on labour supply and on the extent to which planned or predicted changes in the profile ...
This report was prompted by the current debate on how best to determine nurses pay in the NHS. Increased emphasis on cost, devolution of managerial responsibility, and the establishment of NHS Trusts are key elements of the NHS reforms, and will have a major impact on the way nurses pay ...
The specific dynamics of the London health care labour market, and the challenges they create for recruitment and retention, were highlighted in the 2003 King's Fund report 'In Capital Health?'. In the 18 months since, a number of important and far reaching changes have been initiated across the NHS. This ...
Agenda for Change is the most ambitious pay reform introduced into the NHS. In addition to simplifying the system of pay, its objectives were to improve the delivery of patient care as well as staff recruitment, retention and motivation. This paper examines progress in implementation based on interviews with key ...
This research summary profiles the international workforce in London and provides case studies detailing the experiences of three London NHS trusts and their international recruitment activities. It is the first publication from a wider programme of work on the international recruitment of health workers to the capital. [SMD]
The issues surrounding international recruitment and the migration of health workers have generated huge media attention. However, relatively little primary research has been done in this area. Based on a survey of international nurses in London, this paper reports on the country of origin, demographic profile, motivations, experiences and career ...
The government's reforms of contracts and pay for NHS staff are designed not just to pay staff more but also to secure changes in working patterns and productivity that translate into benefits for patients. This paper assesses the impact of the new consultant contract in England. Its findings are based ...
Workforce planning for the NHS is a large undertaking. The NHS in England employs approximately 1.3 million staff, 70 per cent of recurrent NHS costs relate to staffing, and more than £4 billion is spent annually on staff training. Securing a sufficient number of staff with the appropriate skills and ...
In August 2008, the Department of Health asked The King's Fund to lead a stakeholder engagement review on the proposal for a Centre of Excellence. This report reflects what was heard from stakeholders during the consultation and sets out a series of recommendations that aim to support effective implementation. [Summary]