These comments on the Green Paper on public health, 'Our Healthier Nation', reflect the views of a group of individuals from a wide range of local and national agencies with a role to play in implementing the national public health strategy. These views were expressed during three seminars jointly organised ...
The Government's eagerly awaited White Paper on health aroused no great passions when it was launched at the end of 1997. Unlike its predecessor, the 1989 Conservative White Paper "Working for Patients", Labour's "The new NHS" has prompted no battle of words or major health debate. Yet in this, warn ...
The aim of this paper is to develop statistical models which explain the utilisation of GP services and which can also subsequently be linked to the 1991 census data to calculate weighted population estimates for areas based on their need for health care
This paper examines the relative health status of Londoners in the light of the current attention being given to the provision of health care in London. It has three aims: to compare the health of residents of London with that of people in comparable areas elsewhere; to investigate the factors ...
It is widely believed that homeless people place considerable demands on emergency hospital services, but quantifying this in a systematic way has proved difficult. The primary purpose of this paper is to develop a better empirical understanding of the nature and extent of unplanned admissions to acute hospitals in London ...
The principal objective of this investigation is to produce specific recommendations about the distribution of administrative resources to family health services authorities (FHSAs). There are two basic aims to the report: to examine actual variations in FHSA expenditure and relate those to characteristics of FHSAs and their areas where there ...
This report reviews the performance of health services in Sweden, Holland, West Germany, Canada and USA. The main aim has been to identify the countries' studies, to draw parallels with the UK, and to establish the lessons, if any, from abroad. Chapter one traces the origins of the Prime Minister's ...
The briefing paper provides a constructive analysis of the White Paper (Working for Patients). It argues that the White Paper outlines an ambitious and high risk strategy. The paper identifies main themes underlying the White Paper proposals: new institutional arrangements for the health services; the management of clinical activity; responsiveness ...